Define How Values are Grouped for a Bar, Column, Line, or Scatter Chart Widget

Use the Grouping page (accessed from within the Chart Series window) to define when and how values are grouped in a Bar, Column, Line, or Scatter Chart Widget. Use this data to further break down your main field and to view patterns. For example, group:

  • Category by status: Displays a bar, column, line, or point for each status within each category.
  • Status by owner: Displays a bar, column, line, or point for each owner within a status.
  • Status by priority: Displays a bar, column, line, or point for each priority within a status.

The following figures show Incident by Status column charts, ungrouped and then grouped by priority:

Column Chart Widget Grouped Chart Widget
Column Chart - Incidents by Status Grouped Column Chart - Incidents by Status, Grouped by Priority
The Chart Series window is accessed from within the Widget Manager when you create or edit a Chart Widget, and then add a series.

Good to know:

  • Use grouping on simpler charts. Grouping values on multi-series charts and stacked charts can clutter the data.

To define how values are grouped for a Bar, Column, Line, or Scatter Chart Widget:

  1. Create a Chart Widget.
  2. Define how values are grouped:
    1. Group by: Select this check box to enable grouping.
    2. Field: Select the Field to use to group values (example: Priority).
    3. Units (date/time Fields only): Select the date/time unit to display.
  3. Select OK.