Define the X-Axis Values for a Bar, Column, Line, or Scatter Chart Widget

Use the X-Axis page (accessed from within the Chart Series window) to define the values to display on the x-axis of a Bar, Column, Line, or Scatter Chart Widget. Properties include:

  • Field Name: Field whose values will be displayed in the chart as bars, columns, lines, or scatter points (example: Status values—New, Assigned, In Progress, etc.).
    In Column, Line, and Scatter Charts, the x-axis is the horizontal axis. In Bar Charts, the x-axis is the vertical axis because the bars go across the chart.
  • Lookup Sorting: The Lookup Table and Field values to use for sorting x-axis values.

    Chart Widget X-Axis

    The Chart Series window is accessed from within the Widget Manager when you create or edit a Chart Widget, and then add a Series.

Good to know:

  • The available fields are limited by value type (DateTime Field Icon Date/Time, Number Field Icon Number, Text Field Icon Text, and Logical Field Icon Logical). If the field you want is not available, change the x-axis x-value type on the Widget Properties X-Axis page.

To define the x-axis values for a Bar, Column, Line, or Scatter Chart:

  1. Create a Chart Widget.
  2. In the Chart Series window, click the X-Axis page.
  3. Define the values to display on the x-axis:
    1. Field name: Select the Field whose values will be displayed in the chart as bars, columns, lines, or scatter points (example: Status values—New, Assigned, In Progress, etc.).

      Tip: The available fields are limited by value type (DateTime Field Icon Date/Time, Number Field Icon Number, Text Field Icon Text, and Logical Field Icon Logical). If the field you want is not available, change the x-axis x-value type on the Widget Properties X-Axis page.

  4. Define lookup sorting properties for the x-axis values:
    1. Lookup Table: Select a Lookup Table to use to sort x-axis values for the series.
    2. Source Field: Select a Source Field from the Lookup Table. Only Fields that are of the same type as the Field Name selection are shown.
    3. Target Field: Select a Target Field from the Lookup Table. Only Fields that are of the same type specified in the x-axis sorting options are shown.

      If a value from a Source Field matches the x-value of a point on the series, the value from the Target Field for that record is used. Otherwise, the x-value is used as-is.

  5. Select OK.