Define a Wait for Time for an Automation Process Visual Workflow Process

Use the Events section of the Automation Process Visual Workflow Process Designer to define a wait for time, which includes the steps that wait for a defined amount of time before the process continues to the next step.

Good to know:

  • As you drag the icon onto the Designer Board, the locations where the icon can be dropped highlight as the cursor passes over them.

To define Automation Process Visual Workflow Process time options:

  1. Open the Automation Process Visual Workflow Process Designer.
  2. Click-and-drag the Wait for Time icon Wait For Time Icon onto the Designer Board.

    The Wait for Time page opens in the Current Step Details section of the designer.

  3. Define time criteria for the step:
    • Wait from: Select the amount of time that the Automation Process should wait before watching for the process trigger.
    • How Long: Select how long the step should wait until continuing to the next step.
      • Specific Time: Select the amount of time (number of days, hours, minutes quarters, weeks, years) to use for the calculation. You can also define this option based on a specified time before or after a Calendar item.
      • Field Based: Select a Calendar or SLA Field to use for the calculation. If you select an SLA Field, you also have the option to define the time increment (Days, weeks, etc.) and/or the specific time before or after another another Calendar item
      • SLA Based: Select a defined SLA to use for the calculation.
  4. Select OK.