Define Abort Process for an Automation Process Visual Workflow Process

Use the Abort Process page of the Automation Process Visual Workflow Process Designer to define criteria used to determine when the process should be aborted.

To define the abort process:

  1. Open the Automation Process Visual Workflow Process.
  2. Click the Abort Process page in the left pane of the Current Step Details section.
  3. Define when the process should be aborted:
    1. In the Abort Process If section, select one or more criteria that must be met for the process to abort:
      • Criteria used to initiate process is no longer valid: Select the check box to end the process when the criteria defined on the Start Event page is no longer true.
      • Query: Select the check box and define the Query (Search Group) to end the process when records for which the Query condition is true
      • Field/Value: Select the check box and define the Field and value to end the process when the specified value is found in the specified Field.
      • Expression: Select the check box and select or define an Expression to end the process when the specified Expression is true.
      • Incident Closed: Select the check box to end the process when the Incident is closed.
    2. In the Check for Abort section, select when the process should check for the abort condition(s) to be true:
      • Before each step starts: Select the radio button to check if the abort process criteria is true before each step takes place.
      • After each step executes: Select the radio button to check if the abort process criteria is true after each step takes place.
  4. Select OK.