Define Record Limitations for an Automation Process Visual Workflow Process

Use the Limit Records page of the Automation Process Visual Workflow Process Designer to limit records that are used by the Automation Process to calculate passed time.

To define limited records:

  1. Open the Automation Process Visual Workflow Process.
  2. Click the Limit Records page in the left pane of the Current Step Details section.
  3. Limit records based on Query: Only records for which the Query (Saved Search) condition is true will cause the Action to be executed when the Event occurs.
    1. Select the Query check box.

      The Query drop-down and Ellipses button become active.

    2. Click the Ellipses button to open the Search Manager, where you can select a Saved Search or create a new Saved Search.
  4. Limit records based on Field: Only records where the specified value is found in the specified Field will cause the Action to be executed when the Event occurs.
    1. Select the Field check box.

      The Field drop-down and Value drop-down become active.

    2. From the Field drop-down, select a Field.
    3. From the Value drop-down, select a value for the Field.
  5. Limit records based on an Expression: Only records for which the Expression is true will cause the Action to be executed when the Event occurs.
    1. Select the Expression check box.

      The Expression drop-down, Ellipses button, and Custom Expression button become active.

    2. Define the Expression:
      • Select an existing Expression: Click the Ellipses button to open the Expression Manager, and then select an Expression.
    3. Create a Custom Expression: Click the Custom Expression button Expression Button and define a Custom Expression.
  6. Select OK.