Problem: Culture Selector Is Not Visible

Troubleshoot problems that prevent Users from seeing the culture selector in any CSM client, so they are not able to switch languages.

If this problem occurs, try the following solutions.

Solution: Verify that Cultures Are Enabled

  1. In the CSM Administrator Main Window, select the Globalization category, and then select Globalization Settings.
  2. Select the Manage Cultures page.
  3. Verify that at least one culture is enabled.
    Only enabled cultures are visible to Users.

Solution: Verify Culture Security Settings

  1. Read about how to apply security settings for different cultures.
  2. Verify that security is correctly enabled:

Solution: Reload Definitions in the CSM Desktop Client

  1. Open the Desktop Client.
  2. Select Help>Reload Definitions.

Solution: Clear Browser Cache

If Users cannot see the culture selector in the CSM Browser Client or CSM Portal, suggest that they clear their browser cache.

Solution: Restart IIS

If Users cannot see the culture selector in the CSM Browser Client or CSM Portal and clearing the browser cache did not solve the problem, restart Internet Information Services (IIS).