Considerations for Applying mApp Solutions

Before applying any mApp® Solution, read the following recommendations to avoid conflicts or errors on your system.

  • As a precaution, back up your database prior to applying a mApp Solution.
  • Never apply a mApp Solution to a database that already has an installation of the same mApp Solution, including previous versions. To determine if the mApp Solution has already been applied to your database, review the Items List in the documentation and compare it to your target system to determine if those items are present. If they exist, do not proceed with applying the mApp Solution. Otherwise, you may experience unexpected results.
  • Apply your mApp Solution against a test system before applying it to your live system.
  • If the mApp Solution includes definitions that have history records, a list of additional designers is shown on the introductory page of theApply mApp Wizard. Each entry includes the mApp Solution creator’s personal and/or company name as well as the most recent creation date/time.
  • The merge actions displayed in the wizard were selected when the mApp Solution was created. If you select a high level of interaction with the wizard (the Ask me about everything option), you can change the merge actions. For example, if you do not want to overwrite or change a definition, you can set the merge action to Don't Change in the wizard.
  • The target objects/items displayed in the wizard are what the wizard detects in the target system as exact (or close) matches to the mApp Solution definitions. An exact match means that the wizard found a target object/item with the same record ID or exactly the same name as the definition in the mApp Solution. If you select a high level of interaction with the wizard (the Ask me about everything option), you can change the target objects/items.
  • If you select a low level of interaction with the wizard, the wizard assumes you want to use the merge actions selected when the mApp Solution was created and the target objects/items it detects as exact matches in the target system. It only asks for input if an area requires clarification.
  • The wizard asks you about objects and items in order of importance (determined by the mApp Solution creator). Business Object Views are always asked about first, followed by Group Objects (Group Leaders, and then Group Members), and then the remaining objects and items in order of importance.
  • After you complete the wizard, you can open a Blueprint to preview the changes the mApp Solution will make to your system (recommended) or attempt to directly publish the changes. If you open a Blueprint, you can then scan the Blueprint and view Blueprint changes before publishing it.