Missing Native Rest API Clients

Run the Health Check Tool and select the Missing Native REST API Clients rule. This rule looks for missing REST API clients that should have been created when a native application, such as a CSM Customer Portal, is added to CSM.

Good to Know
  • By selecting Browser and Mobile > Site Manager in the CSM Administrator, you can set up custom login options for a CSM Customer Portal. If your custom login options are not being displayed on the Portal as expected, then you should run this Health Check rule.
To see information about Missing REST API clients:
  1. Select the Missing Native REST API Clients rule when you Run the Health Check Tool.
    You see the Missing Client results in the report.

  2. If you get any results at all in this report, select Repair in the top right-hand corner of the report.
    All missing native client entries are fixed for you.
  3. Re-run the Health Check again with this rule to verify that the report is now empty.