Approvals Operations

Operations are ordered by URL.

Action an Approval

  • URL

    POST /api/V1/approval/{approvalRecId}/{approvalAction}

  • Description:

    Updates the status of an Approval Business Object so that it can be moved forward through a lifecycle. Choose an approval action from: approve, deny, abstain. Choosing anything else as an approval action results in an error message.

Get Approval

  • URL

    GET /api/v1/approval/{approvalRecId}

  • Description

    Returns an Approval Business Object using the Approval record ID. This enables Approval workload to be managed.

Get all Waiting Approvals for the Current User

  • URL

    GET /api/v1/getmyapprovals

  • Description

    Get all waiting Approvals for the current user so that they can be worked on and moved through the lifecycle.

Get all Waiting Approvals Created by the Current User

  • URL

    GET /api/v1/getmypendingapprovals

  • Description

    Get all pending Approvals that were created by the current user so that they can monitor the status of their Approvals workload.