Business Object Operations

Operations are organized by categories, then ordered by URL.

Delete Operations

  • Delete Business Objects in a Batch
    • URL

      POST /api/V1/deletebusinessobjectbatch/

    • Description:

      Delete Business Objects in a batch using either the public ID or record ID. Batch can contain multiple Business Object types.

  • Delete Business Object by Public ID
    • URL

      DELETE /api/v1/deletebusinessobject/busobid/{busobid}/publicid/{publicid}

    • Description

      Delete a single Business Object using its Public ID.

  • Delete Business Object by Record ID
    • URL

      DELETE /api/v1/deletebusinessobject/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}

    • Description

      Delete a single Business Object using its record ID.

  • Delete Related Business Object by Public ID
    • URL

      DELETE /api/v1/deleterelatedbusinessobject/parentbusobid/{parentbusobid}/parentbusobrecid/{parentbusobrecid}/relationshipid/{relationshipid}/publicid/{publicid}

    • Description

      Delete a related Business Object using its public ID.

      Use "Unlink Related Business Object" to unlink two Business Objects rather that deleting the related Business Object.

  • Delete Related Business Object by Record ID
    • URL

      DELETE /api/v1/deleterelatedbusinessobject/parentbusobid/{parentbusobid}/parentbusobrecid/{parentbusobrecid}/relationshipid/{relationshipid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}

    • Description

      Delete a related Business Object using its record ID.

      Use "Unlink Related Business Object" to unlink two Business Objects rather that deleting the related Business Object.

Get Operations

  • Get Lookup Values for Fields
    • URL

      POST /api/v1/fieldvalueslookup

    • Description

      Get potentially valid values for Business Object fields.

    • Get Activities
      • URL

        GET /api/v1/getactivites/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}/pagesize/{pagesize}

      • Description

        Get mapped Activity types for Audit, Communication, and Notes.

  • Get an Imported Business Object Attachment
    • URL

      GET /api/v1/getbusinessobjectattachment/attachmentid/{attachmentid}/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}

    • Description

      Get a Business Object attachment that has been imported into the system. HTTP Range Header can be used but is optional.

  • Get Attachments by Business Object Public ID
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/getbusinessobjectattachments/busobid/{busobid}/publicid/{publicid}/type/{type}/attachmenttype/{attachmenttype}

    • Description

      Get attachments for a Business Object by Business Object ID and public ID.

  • Get Attachments by Business Object Record ID
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/getbusinessobjectattachments/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}/type/{type}/attachmenttype/{attachmenttype}

    • Description

      Get attachments for a Business Object by Business Object ID and record ID.

  • Get Attachments by Business Object Name and Public ID
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/getbusinessobjectattachments/busobname/{busobname}/publicid/{publicid}/type/{type}/attachmenttype/{attachmenttype}

    • Description

      Get attachments for a Business Object by Business Object name and record ID.

  • Get Attachments by Business Object Name and Record ID
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/getbusinessobjectattachments/busobname/{busobname}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}/type/{type}/attachmenttype/{attachmenttype}

    • Description

      Get attachments for a Business Object by Business Object name and record ID.

  • Get Business Object Attachments by Request Object
    • URL

      POST /api/V1/getbusinessobjectattachments

    • Description

      Get attachments for a Business Object by attachments request object. You can also request a list of types to get more than one type at a time.

  • Get a Batch of Business Objects
    • URL

      POST /api/V1/getbusinessobjectbatch

    • Description

      Get a batch of Business Object records that includes a list of field record IDs, display names, and values for each record.

  • Get a Business Object Record by Public ID
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/getbusinessobject/busobid/{busobid}/publicid/{publicid}

    • Description

      Get a Business Object record that includes a list of fields and their record IDs, names, and set values.

  • Get a Business Object Record by Record ID
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/getbusinessobject/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}

    • Description

      Get a Business Object record that includes a list of fields and their record IDs, names, and set values.

  • Get a Business Object by Scan Code and Business Object ID
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/getbusinessobject/scancode/{scanCode}/busobid/{busobid}

    • Description

      Get a Business Object record based on its associated scan code and Business Object ID.

  • Get a Business Object by Scan Code and Business Object Name
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/getbusinessobject/scancode/{scanCode}/busobname/{busobname}

    • Description

      Get a Business Object record based on its associated scan code and Business Object name.

  • Get a Business Object Schema
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/getbusinessobjectschema/busobid/{busobId}

    • Description

      Get the schema for a Business Object and, optionally, its related Business Objects.

  • Get Business Object Summaries by Type
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/getbusinessobjectsummaries/type/{type}

    • Description

      Get a list of Business Object summaries by type (Major, Supporting, Lookup, Groups, and All).

  • Get a Business Object Summary by ID
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/getbusinessobjectsummary/busobid/{busobid}

    • Description

      Get a single Business Object summary by ID.

  • Get a Business Object Summary by Name
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/getbusinessobjectsummary/busobname/{busobname}

    • Description

      Get a single Business Object summary by name.

  • Get a Business Object Template
    • URL

      POST /api/V1/getbusinessobjecttemplate

    • Description
      Get a template used to create Business Objects. The template includes placeholders for field values. You can then send the template with these values to the Business Object Save operation.
      Important: Use only HTML in the HTML field value so that the field is read as expected. For example, use the HTML <br> tag to produce a line break instead of the Windows \r\n.
  • Get Related Business Objects by Request Object
    • URL

      POST /api/V1/getrelatedbusinessobject

    • Description

      Get related Business Objects for a specific Relationship. Specify a list of fields to include in the response.

  • Get Related Business Objects by ID
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/getrelatedbusinessobject/parentbusobid/{parentbusobid}/parentbusobrecid/{parentbusobrecid}/relationshipid/{relationshipid}

    • Description

      Get the related objects for a Business Object relationship specifying all fields or default grid as the field to return.

  • Get Related Business Objects (Custom Grid)
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/getrelatedbusinessobject/parentbusobid/{parentbusobid}/parentbusobrecid/{parentbusobrecid}/relationshipid/{relationshipid}/gridid/{gridid}

    • Description

      Get related Business Objects for a specific relationship. Specify a custom grid ID as the fields to return.

Link Operations

  • Link Related Business Objects
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/linkrelatedbusinessobject/parentbusobid/{parentbusobid}/parentbusobrecid/{parentbusobrecid}/relationshipid/{relationshipid}/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}

    • Description

      Link related Business Objects.

    • The linkrelatedbusinessobject method is designed to only work using the relationshipID for the Parent side of a relationship.
  • Unlink Related Business Objects
    • URL

      DELETE /api/V1/unlinkrelatedbusinessobject/parentbusobid/{parentbusobid}/parentbusobrecid/{parentbusobrecid}/relationshipid/{relationshipid}/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}

    • Description

      Unlink related Business Objects.

Attachment Operations

  • Remove an Attachment by Business Object ID and Public ID
    • URL

      DELETE /api/V1/removebusinessobjectattachment/attachmentid/{attachmentid}/busobid/{busobid}/publicid/{publicid}

    • Description

      Remove an attachment from a Business Object using the attachment record ID, Business Object ID, and Business Object public ID.

  • Remove an Attachment by Business Object ID and Record ID
    • URL

      DELETE /api/V1/removebusinessobjectattachment/attachmentid/{attachmentid}/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}

    • Description

      Remove an attachment from a Business Object using the attachment record ID, Business Object ID, and Business Object record ID.

  • Remove an Attachment by Business Object Name and Public ID
    • URL

      DELETE /api/V1/removebusinessobjectattachment/attachmentid/{attachmentid}/busobname/{busobname}/publicid/{publicid}

    • Description

      Remove an attachment from a Business Object using the attachment record ID, Business Object name, and Business Object record ID.

  • Remove an Attachment by Business Object Name and Record ID
    • URL

      DELETE /api/V1/removebusinessobjectattachment/attachmentid/{attachmentid}/busobname/{busobname}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}

    • Description

      Remove an attachment from a Business Object using the attachment record ID, Business Object name, and Business Object public ID.

  • Attach a Business Object to Another Business Object
    • URL

      PUT /api/V1/savebusinessobjectattachmentbusob

    • Description

      Attach a Business Object to a Business Object. This links the Business Object but does not create a relationship between the two. (Use "Link Related Business Objects" to create a relationship.)

  • Attach a File via UNC
    • URL

      PUT /api/V1/savebusinessobjectattachmenturl

    • Description

      Attach a URL path to a Business Object.

  • Attach a URL Path
    • URL

      PUT /api/V1/savebusinessobjectattachmentlink

    • Description

      Attach a file to a Business Object via a path (UNC recommended).

  • Upload an Attachment by Business Object ID and Public ID
    • URL

      POST /api/V1/uploadbusinessobjectattachment/filename/{filename}/busobid/{busobid}/publicid/{publicid}/offset/{offset}/totalsize/{totalsize}

    • Description

      Upload an attachment to a Business Object record using a Business Object ID and public ID.

  • Upload an Attachment by Business Object ID and Record ID
    • URL

      POST /api/V1/uploadbusinessobjectattachment/filename/{filename}/busobid/{busobid}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}/offset/{offset}/totalsize/{totalsize}

    • Description

      Upload an attachment to a Business Object record using a Business Object ID and record ID.

  • Upload an Attachment by Business Object Name and Public ID
    • URL

      POST /api/V1/uploadbusinessobjectattachment/filename/{filename}/busobname/{busobname}/publicid/{publicid}/offset/{offset}/totalsize/{totalsize}

    • Description

      Upload an attachment to a Business Object record using a Business Object name and public ID.

  • Upload an Attachment by Business Object Name and Record ID
    • URL

      POST /api/V1/uploadbusinessobjectattachment/filename/{filename}/busobname/{busobname}/busobrecid/{busobrecid}/offset/{offset}/totalsize/{totalsize}

    • Description

      Upload an attachment to a Business Object record using a Business Object name and record ID.

Create and Update Operations

  • Create or Update a Batch of Business Objects
    • URL

      POST /api/V1/savebusinessobjectbatch

    • Description

      Create or update an array of Business Objects in a batch. To update, specify record ID or public ID. To create, leave record ID and public ID empty.

  • Create or Update a Business Object
    • URL

      POST /api/V1/savebusinessobject

    • Description

      Create a new Business Object or update an existing Business Object. To update, specify record ID or public ID. To create, leave record ID and public ID empty.

  • Create or Update a Related Business Object
    • URL

      POST /api/V1/saverelatedbusinessobject

    • Description

      Create or update a related Business Object. To update, specify record ID or public ID. To create, leave record ID and public ID empty.