Canonical REST API Mapping Wizard

You can prepare your system for third-party integrations with a custom Business Object by mapping a canonical Business Object Schema to your custom Business Object Schema using the Canonical REST API Mapping Wizard. You can then use the Canonical REST API to programmatically access CSM functions for your custom Business Object.

To use the Canonical Mapping Wizard, perform the following steps:

  1. In CSM Administrator, navigate to Tools > Canonical Mapping Wizard
    The Map Canonical Object Wizard dialog opens.
  2. Select a Canonical Definition from the drop-down menu.
    The list of fields in the Canonical Definition appears.
  3. Select the Business Object you want to map.
    You can now select fields from the drop-downs in the Business Object Field area.
  4. To create the mappings, you can select the Auto Map button
    1. Auto Map: When you click the Auto Map button, the system will attempt to map Canonical fields to Business Object fields based on the field name. The field names are case-sensitive and must exactly match for the auto mapping to work.
      If the Wizard does not find an exact field name match, the drop-down menu for that field will show FIELD NOT MATCHED. You will need to manually select a field.
    2. Manually Map: Choose a mapping from the drop-down menu.
    You must map each field in the Canonical Definition before moving to Step 5.
  5. Click the Next button. If you are using a Canonical Business Object Schema that requires comments, use this screen to set the mapping. You can use the Auto Map function or manually map the fields.
    Tip: Journal is the out-of-the-box Business Object that is commonly used to contain comments.
  6. Click the Next button to create a Blueprint for the mapping.
    The dialog box will show a summary of the changes you have made.
  7. Repeat the above steps for each Canonical Definition you want to map.
  8. Once you have mapped the fields for each Canonical Definition, publish the Blueprint, then run a Health Check for canonical compliance to ensure your mapping was successful.
  9. You can use the Mapping Wizard to overwrite existing mappings at any time. If you use the Auto Mapping feature, the Wizard will attempt to overwrite all exsiting mappings for that Canonical Definition.