Core Operations

Delete a Gallery Image

  • URL

    DELETE /api/V1/deletegalleryimage/standinkey/{standinkey}

  • Description

    Operation to delete a gallery image using the stand in key.

Get Gallery Images by Scope, Scope Owner, and Folder

  • URL

    GET /api/V1/getgalleryimages/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/folder/{folder}

  • Description

    Operation to get gallery images for the specified Scope, Scope Owner, and Folder.

Get Gallery Images by Scope and Scope Owner

  • URL

    GET /api/V1/getgalleryimages/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}

  • Description

    Operation to get gallery images for the specified Scope and Scope Owner.

Get Gallery Images by Scope

  • URL

    GET /api/V1/getgalleryimages/scope/{scope}

  • Description

    Operation to get all gallery images for the specified Scope.

Get All Gallery Images

  • URL

    GET /api/V1/getgalleryimages

  • Description

    Operation to get all gallery images in the system.

Get Built-in Images

  • URL

    GET /api/V1/getgalleryimage/name/{name}

  • Description

    Operation to get built-in images. If you are requesting an icon (.ico), you can specify width and height.

Get Stored Values by Folder

  • URL

    GET /api/V1/storedvalues/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/folder/{folder}

  • Description

    Operation to get Stored Values for the specified Folder.

Get Stored Values by Scope and Scope Owner

  • URL

    GET /api/V1/storedvalues/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}

  • Description

    Operation to get Stored Values for the specified Scope and Scope Owner.

Get Stored Values by Scope

  • URL

    GET /api/V1/storedvalues/scope/{scope}

  • Description

    Operation to get Stored Values for the specified Scope.

Get All Stored Values in the System

  • URL

    GET /api/V1/storedvalues

  • Description

    Operation to get all Stored Values in the system.

Get a Stored Value by Stand In Key

  • URL

    GET /api/V1/getstoredvalue/standinkey/{standInKey}

  • Description

    Operation to get a Stored Value by stand in key.

Get a List of Views

  • URL

    GET /api/V1/getviews

  • Description

    Operation to get a list of all views that are configured in the system.

Create or Update a Gallery Image

  • URL

    POST /api/V1/savegalleryimage

  • Description

    Operation to create or update a gallery image. To create a new gallery image, do not include a stand in key. To update a gallery image, provide the stand in key for the image.

    Allowable image types include: imported, URL, and file. To use the imported image type, use the name property to specify the file name with extension and the Base64EncodedImageData property to specify the image data in base 64 encoded format. The maximum file size is 512KB.

    To use the URL image type, use the name property to specify the full network share path to the file, for example "\\\\\\\\networkshare\\\somefolder\\\somefile.jpg". If the file is not accessible to all users it will not be visible to all users.

    To use the file image type, use the name property to specify the full path to the file, for example "C:\\\somefolder\\\somfile.jpg". If the file is not accessible to all users it will not be visible to all users.

    When creating or updating an image, name and image type are always required. If the image type is "Imported" the base 64 encoded image data is also required.

    Scope, Scope Owner, and Folder can all be updated independently.

Create or Update a Stored Value

  • URL

    POST /api/V1/savestoredvalue

  • Description

    Operation to create or update a Stored Value. To update, specify the stand in key for the Stored Value to update. To create, leave the stand in key property blank, and provide a name, scope, type, and value.

Set the Culture for the Current User

  • URL

    PUT /api/V1/setculture/culturecode/{culturecode}

  • Description

    Operation to update the culture by culture code for the current User. This returns a new access token that contains the updated information.