Search Operations

Operations are organized by categories, then ordered by URL.

Get Operations

  • Get a Quick Search Configuration for a List of Business Objects
    • URL

      POST /api/V1/getquicksearchconfigurationforbusobs

    • Description

      Build a Quick Search configuration that you can use to execute a Quick Search for multiple Business Objects.

  • Get a Quick Search Configuration with View Rights
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/getquicksearchconfigurationforbusobswithviewrights

    • Description

      Get a Quick Search configuration that you can use to execute a Quick Search based the current User's Business Object view rights.

  • Get Quick Search Results for a List of Business Objects
    • URL

      POST /api/V1/getquicksearchresults

    • Description

      Execute a Quick Search using a list of Business Object IDs and search text.

  • Get Quick Search Results for a Specific Business Object
    • URL

      POST /api/V1/getquicksearchspecificresults

      POST /api/V2/getquicksearchspecificresults

    • Description

      Execute a Quick Search for a specific Business Object.

  • Get All Saved Searches by Folder ID
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/getsearchitems/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/folder/{folder}

      GET /api/V2/getsearchitems/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/folder/{folder}

    • Description

      Get a tree of saved queries using Business Object Association, Scope, Scope Owner, and Folder. Tree includes Scope, search name, IDs, and location within the tree.

  • Get All Saved Searches by Scope Owner
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/getsearchitems/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}

      GET /api/V2/getsearchitems/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}

    • Description

      Get a tree of saved queries using Business Object Association, Scope, and Scope Owner. Tree includes Scope, search name, IDs, and location within the tree.

  • Get All Saved Searches by Scope
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/getsearchitems/association/{association}/scope/{scope}

      GET /api/V2/getsearchitems/association/{association}/scope/{scope}

    • Description

      Get a tree of saved queries using Business Object Association and Scope. Tree includes Scope, search name, IDs, and location within the tree.

  • Get All Saved Searches by Business Object Association
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/getsearchitems/association/{association}

      GET /api/V2/getsearchitems/association/{association}

    • Description

      Get a tree of saved queries using Business Object Association. Tree includes Scope, search name, IDs, and location within the tree.

  • Get All Saved Searches by Default Business Object Association
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/getsearchitems

      GET /api/V2/getsearchitems

    • Description

      Get a tree of saved queries using the default Business Object Association. Tree includes Scope, search name, IDs, and location within the tree.

  • Get Results of a Saved Search
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/storedsearches/{scope}/{associationName}/{searchName}

      GET /api/V2/storedsearches/{scope}/{associationName}/{searchName}

    • Description

      Get the results of a saved search in JSON format.

      Version one (V1) will limit exported search results to 100,000 rows of data. Version two (V2) removes the limits on search results. A search executed using V2 will return all rows of data.

Run Operations

  • Run an Ad-Hoc Search
    • URL

      POST /api/V1/getsearchresults

    • Description
      Run an ad-hoc Business Object search. To execute a search with Prompts, the PromptId and Value are required in the Prompt request object.
      Search results are limited to 100,000 rows of data per page. Use the pageNumber and pageSize parameters to retrieve records that do not appear in the first 100,000 results.
  • Run a Saved Search by ID
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/getsearchresults/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/searchid/{searchid}

    • Description

      Get the paged results of a saved search by Business Object association, Scope, Scope Owner, and Search ID.

      When the search contains Prompts, the response contains the Prompt. Send the Prompt and the original operation parameters to SearchResultsRequest to the getsearchresults ad-hoc http post operation.
      Search results are limited to 100,000 rows of data per page. Use the pageNumber and pageSize parameters to retrieve records that do not appear in the first 100,000 results.
  • Run a Saved Search by Name
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/getsearchresults/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/searchname/{searchname}

    • Description

      Get the paged results of a saved search by Business Object association, Scope, Scope Owner, and Search Name.

      When the search contains Prompts, the response contains the Prompt. Send the Prompt and the original operation parameters to SearchResultsRequest to the getsearchresults ad-hoc http post operation.
      Search results are limited to 100,000 rows of data per page. Use the pageNumber and pageSize parameters to retrieve records that do not appear in the first 100,000 results.

Export Operations

  • Export an Ad-Hoc Search
    • URL

      POST /api/V1/getsearchresultsexport

    • Description

      Operation that returns an ad-hoc search in a specified export format: 0=CSV, 1=Excel, 2=Tab, 3=Word, 4=Custom Separator, 5=Simple JSON.

      To execute a search with Prompts, the PromptId and Value are required in the Prompt request object.
      Search results are limited to 100,000 rows of data per page. Use the pageNumber and pageSize parameters to retrieve records that do not appear in the first 100,000 results.
  • Export a Saved Search by ID
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/getsearchresultsexport/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/searchid/{searchid}/exportformat/{exportformat}

    • Description

      Operation that returns a saved search using Business Object Association, Scope, Scope Owner, Search ID, and export format.

      When the search contains Prompts, the response contains the Prompt. Send the Prompt and the original operation parameters to SearchResultsRequest to the getsearchresultsexport ad-hoc http post operation.
      Search results are limited to 100,000 rows of data per page. Use the pageNumber and pageSize parameters to retrieve records that do not appear in the first 100,000 results.
  • Export a Saved Search by Name
    • URL

      GET /api/V1/getsearchresultsexport/association/{association}/scope/{scope}/scopeowner/{scopeowner}/searchname/{searchname}/exportformat/{exportformat}

    • Description

      Operation that returns a saved search using Business Object Association, Scope, Scope Owner, Search Name, and export format.

      When the search contains Prompts, the response contains the Prompt. Send the Prompt and the original operation parameters to SearchResultsRequest to the getsearchresultsexport ad-hoc http post operation.
      Search results are limited to 100,000 rows of data per page. Use the pageNumber and pageSize parameters to retrieve records that do not appear in the first 100,000 results.