Service Operations

Operations are ordered by URL.

Log Out User by Token

  • URL

    DELETE /api/V1/logout

  • Description

    Log out the user referenced in an authentication token.

Get REST API and CSM Information

  • URL

    GET /api/V1/serviceinfo

  • Description

    Get the latest REST API operation version, CSM version, and CSM system date and time.

Get an Access Token

  • URL

    POST /api/V1/token

  • Description
    Request an access token for one of the following authentication modes. Or, you can request an access token using a refresh token. An API client key is required in both cases, and the authentication mode you use must be the mode used by the CSM Browser Client.
    • Internal - Use a CSM username and password. If no other mode is specified, Internal mode is used.
    • Windows - Uses the server variable LOGON_USER to attempt to find a CSM user. You can also use domain\username and password.
    • LDAP - Uses the LDAP settings configured for CSM and the server variable LOGON_USER to attempt to find a CSM user. You can also use domain\username and password.
    • SAML - Uses the SAML settings configured for CSM to validate credentials and find the CSM user.