Team Operations

Operations are ordered by URL.

Add a Batch of Users to a Team

  • URL

    POST /api/V1/addusertoteambybatch

  • Description

    Add a user to a Team. To get internal IDs for Users, use "Get a User by login ID" or "Get a User by public ID." To get a Team's internal ID, use "Get all available Teams."

Add a User to a Team

  • URL

    POST /api/V1/addusertoteam

    POST /api/V2/addusertoteam

  • Description

    Add a User to a Team. To get the User's internal ID, use "Get a User by login ID" or "Get a User by public ID." To get a Team's internal ID, use "Get all available Teams."

Delete a Team by Team ID

  • URL

    DELETE /api/V1/deleteteam/{teamid}

  • Description:

    Delete a single Team using its Team ID.

Get Available Teams

  • URL

    GET /api/V1/getteams

    GET /api/V2/getteams

  • Description

    Get IDs, names, and descriptions for all available Teams.

Get a Team by Team ID

  • URL

    GET /api/V1/getteam/{teamid}

  • Description:

    Get Team Info for a single Team using its Team ID.

Get Team Assignments for a User

  • URL

    GET /api/V1/getusersteams/userrecordid/{userRecordId}

    GET /api/V2/getusersteams/userrecordid/{userRecordId}

  • Description

    Get Team assignments for a User.

Get Available Workgroups

  • URL

    GET /api/V1/getworkgroups

    GET /api/V2/getworkgroups

  • Description

    Get IDs and names for all available Workgroups.

Remove a User from a Team

  • URL

    DELETE /api/V1/removeuserfromteam/teamid/{teamId}/userrecordid/{userrecordid}

    DELETE /api/V2/removeuserfromteam/teamid/{teamId}/userrecordid/{userrecordid}

  • Description

    Remove a User from a Team. To remove a User, specify the Team ID and the User record ID.

Remove a Customer from a Workgroup

  • URL


  • Description

    Remove a Customer from a Workgroup.

Create or Update a Team

  • URL

    POST /api/V1/saveteam

  • Description

    Create or update a Team. To update, specify Team ID and Team type. To create, specify Team name and Team type.

Add or Update a Team Member

  • URL

    POST /api/V1/saveteammember

  • Description

    Add or update a Team Member. Specify User ID, Team ID, and if Team Manager. Optionally, set the Team as the default Team.

Add or Update a Workgroup Member

  • URL

    POST /api/V1/saveworkgroupmember

  • Description

    Add or update a Workgroup Member. Specify Customer Record ID, Workgroup ID, and if Workgroup Manager.