User Operations

Delete a Batch of Users

  • URL

    POST /api/V1/deleteuserbatch

    POST /api/V2/deleteuserbatch

  • Description

    Delete a batch of Users. To get User record IDs, use "Get a User by login ID" or "Get a User by public ID."

Delete a User by Record ID

  • URL

    DELETE /api/V1/deleteuser/userrecordid/{userrecordid}

    DELETE /api/V2/deleteuser/userrecordid/{userrecordid}

  • Description

    Delete a User by record ID. To get User record IDs, use "Get a User by login ID" or "Get a User by public ID."

Get a List of Users

  • URL

    GET /api/V1/getlistofusers

  • Description

    Get a list of all system Users.

Get a Batch of Users

  • URL

    POST /api/V1/getuserbatch

  • Description

    Get User information in a batch.

Get a User by Login ID

  • URL

    GET /api/V1/getuserbyloginid/loginid/{loginid}

    GET /api/V2/getuserbyloginid/

    GET /api/V3/getuserbyloginid/

  • Description

    Get detailed User information by login ID. Use to get User record IDs and account settings, for example.

Get a User by Public ID

  • URL

    GET /api/V1/getuserbypublicid/publicid/{publicid}

    GET /api/V2/getuserbypublicid/publicid/{publicid}

  • Description

    Get detailed User information by public ID. Use to get User record IDs and account settings, for example.

Get a User by Record ID

  • URL

    GET /api/V1/getuserbyrecid/recid/{recid}

  • Description

    Get detailed User information by record ID. Use to get user public IDs and account settings, for example.

Create or Update a Batch of Users

  • URL

    POST /api/V1/saveuserbatch

    POST /api/V2/saveuserbatch

  • Description

    Create or update Users in a batch. To update, specify record ID. To create, leave record ID empty.

Create or Update a User

  • URL

    POST /api/V1/saveuser

    POST /api/V2/saveuser

  • Description

    Create or update a User. The response is a collection because if you use a public ID, more than one User could be updated since public IDs may not be unique.