Define Schedule Properties for a Scheduled Item

Use the Schedule page in the Scheduled Item Properties window to define the schedule for an item, including:

  • One Time or Recurring: Whether a Scheduled Item will run once or multiple times.
  • Scheduled time: Start date and time for the Scheduled Item.
  • Recurrence: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
  • Range of Recurrence: Number or date range for a Scheduled Item's recurrence.
    The Scheduled Item Properties window is accessed from within the Scheduler window in CSM Administrator.
  • Maximum time to block other schedules:

To define Scheduling properties for a Scheduled Item:

One time: Select this radio button to schedule the item to run one time. .

Start Time Specify the time using the arrow buttons or providing the time (example: 12:30 AM).
Time Zone

Use the drop down to specify a time zone or specify to have the schedule item run on the same time zone as the schedule server.

Note: The Time Zone feature should only be used with a three-tier connection. A two-tier connection causes undesired results.

Recurring: Select this radio button to schedule the item to run on a recurring basis.

Schedule Time
Start time Specify the time using the arrow buttons or providing the time (example: 12:30 AM).
Time zone

Use the drop down to specify a time zone or specify to have the schedule item run on the same time zone as the schedule server.

Note: The Time Zone feature should only be used with a three-tier connection. A two-tier connection causes undesired results.

Recurrence Select how often to run the Scheduled Item.
Hourly Run the Scheduled Item every X number of hours (example: Every 24 hours).
Daily Run the Scheduled Item every X number of days (example: Every 7 days) or every weekday.
Weekly Run the Scheduled Item every X number of weeks on specific days (example: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday).
Monthly Run the Scheduled Item on a specific day of the month (example: Day 1 of every month) or on a specified week/day of the month (example: First Monday of every 1 month).
Yearly Run the Scheduled Item on a specific date (example: Every January 1) or on a specific day of the year (example: First Monday of June).
Range of recurrence: Schedule the amount of time to run a recurring Schedule Item.
No end date The recurrence continues indefinitely.
End after The recurrence ends after a defined number of occurrences. Specify the number of occurrences.
End by

The recurrences end by a certain date. Then, specify an end date.

Note: If the item is scheduled to run on then end date, it will run for the last time on this date.

Maximum time to block other schedules: Defaults to 20 minutes; increase the interval up to 180 minutes.
Ideally, scheduled items complete in sequence; that is, each scheduled item completes prior to the start of the next. If you know a scheduled task is at risk of taking a long time to complete, use this field to set the length of time this scheduled item is allowed to delay the next scheduled item. Choose a value of 20-180 minutes. If the task does not finish within the additional time you set, it will be terminated. This termination is reflected in the logs.