Verify SQL Server Database (Advanced Users Only)

For advanced Users who are comfortable executing SQL queries, run the following queries to see the items that are scheduled and their statuses.

One Time Scheduled Items Status

For items that execute One Time use this query, replace [My Scheduled Item] with the name of the Scheduled Item you are looking for:

select DefName, ExecutionType, NextDT, Status, ErrorMsg from TrebuchetScheduler where DefName = 'My Scheduled Item'

and ExecutionType = 'OneTime' order by NextDT

Recurring Scheduled Items Status

For items that are recurring use this query, replace [My Scheduled Item] with the name of the Scheduled Item you are looking for:

select DefName, ExecutionType, NextDT, Status, ErrorMsg from TrebuchetScheduler where DefName = 'My Scheduled Item'

and (ExecutionType = 'Recurring') and (Instance > 0) order by NextDT