Enable Anonymous View of the Service Catalog

The CSM Portal can be configured to allow Anonymous Users to view the Service Catalog without having to log in.

Anonymous access requires some initial configuration. See Anonymous Security Group for specific information.

Enable Anonymous view of the Service Catalog Business Object and then determine the way(s) in which you prefer to enable the Service Catalog for Anonymous view on the CSM Portal, including configuring the Service Catalog to show on startup, as a menu item enabled for anonymous access, or as an Action Catalog Widget enabled for Anonymous access.

Enable Anonymous View of the Service Catalog Business Object

  1. In CSM Administrator, select Security > Edit security groups.
  2. In the Group drop-down list, select the Anonymous Security Group (OOTB: Anonymous Browser).
  3. Select the Business Objects tab.
  4. In the Business Object drop-down list, select the Service Catalog Business Object (OOTB: Service).
  5. Select the View check box for the Business Object and all associated fields. You must also grant View permissions to any additional Business Objects associated with the selected Business Object (example: Incident Category, Incident SubCategory).
  6. Select Save.
  7. Enable Anonymous View of any additional Business Objects associated with the Service Catalog that should be visible to Anonymous users.
  8. Configure at least one of the following views for Anonymous users.

Configure the Service Catalog to Show on Startup

  1. In CSM Administrator, select Browser and Mobile > Site Manager.
  2. Right-click on the site designed as your CSM Portal and select Edit.
  3. Select the Display tab.
  4. In the Show on startup field, browse for and select Service Catalog.
  5. Select OK.
  6. Select Save.

Enable Anonymous View of an Action Catalog Widget

An Action Catalog Widget can be used to build a dynamic Service Catalog that is organized by Category and Service, and is capable of executing Actions. Anonymous users can be enabled to view the Service Catalog through this Widget when they select a link to the Action Catalog from a Dashboard, Menu link, or Button.

  1. Open the Widget Manager.
  2. Create an Action Catalog Widget or modify an existing Action Catalog Widget (OOTB Example: Service Catalog) by right-clicking on the existing Widget and selecting Edit.
  3. In the General tab, follow the steps to define the General Properties for the Action Catalog Widget. Select theAllow Anonymous Access to Action Catalog in the Portal check box. When selected, the Action Catalog is viewable to Anonymous users.
    When this check box is cleared, the Action Catalog is not viewable to Anonymous users even if the associated Business Object(s) are configured to allow Anonymous access.
  4. Add a link to the Action Catalog from a Dashboard, Menu link, or Button.
Configure the Service Catalog as a Menu Item with Anonymous Access
  1. Enable Anonymous View of an Action Catalog Widget (see above).
  2. Follow the steps to add menu items to a site menu bar.
    1. If the Action Catalog action already exists in the menu (OOTB: Service Catalog), select it to view the menu properties. If the Action Catalog action does not already exist in the menu, in the Add Action drop-down list, select Add Action Catalog action and select the specific Action Catalog (OOTB: Service Catalog).
    2. In the Security Options section, select the Visible drop-down list and select Always or Anonymous only.