Redis Requirements

Redis can be configured in multiple ways. Cherwell recommendations are based on testing results for working optimally with a general configuration of CSM.

For more information and support, refer to Redis.Io.

Redis Labs Enterprise Cluster

CSM 8.3.2 and later is compatible with Redis Labs Enterprise Cluster (RLEC). Use RLEC to configure Redis environments. Any version of RLEC will work with CSM.

Hardware Requirements

Sizing Redis is not just a matter of sizing its memory, but also fine tuning the rest of the resources. Be aware that:

  • A machine (or virtual machine) should be dedicated to Redis.
  • In the dedicated machine, there should be exactly two CPUs. One CPU is used by the system and is mostly idle. The other CPU is used by Redis.
  • Allocating three CPUs does not hurt Redis, but the third CPU will never be used.
  • CPU speed is not a crucial factor. The Redis CPU remains dormant most of the time. It takes a lot of traffic to increase the CPU to a heavy load. With the current configuration of Redis, by the time the CPU is getting fatigued, the network connection might already be the bottleneck. Pay attention to the network connection between the servers and Redis and between the Redis Servers (if clustered).