
Server farms can be configured differently from business to business, but all server farms should have similar components set up in the same way.

A server farm will contain the following components at a minimum:

  • Load Balancer (not provided by Cherwell): Takes a certain load of Users and balances them out across different servers. The load balancer is set up between the company firewall and the web service servers. The load balancer directs traffic to the server with the most availability, or one of the other distribution methods.
  • Web Servers: Deliver information and process User's requests. All servers must be configured the same way. Be sure all servers have the same hardware configuration and point to the same SQL and Redis. There are two types of servers:
    • A physical server (box)
    • A virtual server, which is a software server, installed on a physical server; or a virtual machine installed on a hypervisor (bare-metal OS installed on a physical host).
  • Databases (not provided by Cherwell): The SQL Server and Redis Server hold the content of a CSM system.