Configuring Web-Form Components

Web-Form display text, banner text, and home page URLs can be customized depending on your organization's needs.

Customize Web-Form Display Text

Use the following lines of code to provide text that displays at the top of the Web page for viewing, adding, and editing a Business Object:
<add key="Incident Follow Up_TextAtTop_New" value=""/>		<add key="Incident Follow Up_TextAtTop_Edit" value="You can make changes to your incident survey"/>		<add key="Incident Follow Up_TextAtTop_View" value="Thank you for filling in this incident survey"/>
  • New: Appears above a new, empty form.
  • Edit: Appears above a form when being edited.
  • View: Appears above a form after it has been saved and is displayed in view-only mode

Customize a Home Page URL

Use the following lines of code to define the text that displays on the link that returns users to the home page:
<add key="Incident Follow Up_GoBackLink" value="Go to Cherwell Software"/>		<add key="Incident Follow Up_GoBackURL" value=""/>

Customize a Banner on Web-Forms

Use the following lines of code to determine whether or not a banner displays:
<add key="ShowBanner" value="true"/>
Provide one of the following values:
  • True: Displays a banner
  • False: Does not display a banner.