CSM Desktop Client Menu Bar

Use the CSM Desktop Client menu bar to access common CSM operations.

The CSM Desktop Client menu bar is located at the top of the main window.

The Actions menu option is displayed only if it is configured in CSM Administrator.

File Menu

Action Description
New Creates a new record (example: Incident).
Save Saves the active record.
Abandon Abandons changes to the active record.
Delete Deletes the active record.
Print Prints the active pane.
Print Grid Prints the active grid.
Export Grid

Exports the active grid to the following formats:

  • .csv
  • .html
  • .txt
  • .rtf
  • .xml
Send E-mail Creates an email to send.
E-mail Current Customer Creates an email to send to the active customer.
New Window Launches a new CSM window.
Logout Logs you out of the CSM Desktop Client.
Close Closes the CSM Desktop Client.

Edit Menu

Action Description
Undo Cancels the last operation.
Redo Repeats the last operation.
Cut Moves the selected item to the clipboard, where you can paste the item into a new location.
Copy Copies the selected item to the clipboard, where you can paste the item to a new location.
Paste Inserts an item from the clipboard.
Show Legal Values Displays a list of legal values (for Lookup fields only).
Refresh Refreshes the active record.
Zoom Zoom the field into a larger window.
Unlock Releases the lock (unlocks) the active record.
User Locks Opens the Record Locking Manager, where you can view and release any/all locked records.

View Menu

Action Description
Task Pane

Displays/hides the Task pane.

For more information, see CSM Desktop Client Task Pane.


Displays/hides the Knowledge pane.

For more information, see CSM Desktop Client Knowledge Pane.

Navigation (window) Displays the default dashboard and navigates back/forward through the session history.
Record (Navigation) Navigates through the current record set.

Searching Menu

Action Description
Search Manager Opens the Search Manager, where you can run and manage saved searches.
Quick Search Builder Opens the Quick Search window, where you can build a quick search.
Edit Current Search Opens the Edit Search window, where you can change the parameters of the active search.
Save Current Search As Saves the active search as a saved search that you can use again later.
MRU list

Lists the MRU (Most Recently Used) items.

For more information, see Configure User General Settings.

Install PowerBI Data Connector

Installs the Power BI Data Connector to use with third-party reporting tools.

For more information, see Using Search Data with Third-Party Reporting Tools.

Note: If a Business Object has been previously applied to your system as part of a Protected mApp™ Solution:
  • You see a shield icon next to each content-protected search.
  • You can't edit or delete a content-protected search.
  • See Protected mApp Solutions.

One-Step™ Action Menu

Action Description
One-Step Action Manager Opens the One-Step Manager, where you can run and manage One-Step Actions.
One-Step Action Blocks Opens the Action Block Manager.
MRU list Lists the most recently used (MRU) One-Step Actions.

Customer Menu

Action Description
Contact Manager Opens the Contact Manager, where you can view and manage customer records.
Current Info Displays the current customer's information.
Config Items

Displays the current customer's configuration Items.

For more information, see About the Configuration Management Database (CMDB).

Dashboards Menu

Action Description
Dashboard Manager Opens the Dashboard Manager, where you can view and manage dashboards.
Edit <current Dashboard>

Opens the Dashboard Editor, where you can edit the current dashboard.

For more information, see Dashboard Editor.

Set <current Dashboard> as default Changes the current dashboard to be the user default.
Focus on Dashboard Sets focus on the current dashboard view.
Widget Manager Opens the Widget Manager, where you can manage widgets.
Metric Manager Opens the Metric Manager, where you can manage metrics.
Color Palette Manager Opens the Color Palette Manager, where you can manage color palettes.
Heads-up Display

Opens the Heads-Up Display (HUD) in a new window.

For more information, see Heads-Up Display (HUD).

MRU list Lists the most recently used (MRU) Dashboards.

Tools Menu

Action Description

Opens the CMDB Interface, where you can manage Configuration Items (CIs).

For more information, see CMDB Interface.

Queues Opens the Queue Manager, where you can manage queues.

Opens the Knowledge Pane, where you can search configured knowledge sources.

For more information, see CSM Desktop Client Knowledge Pane.

Reports Opens the Report Manager, where you can run and manage reports.
Calendars Displays the default (Main) calendar. Also displays an option to open the Calendar Manager, where you can view and manage calendars.
Visualizations Displays the default Visualization. Also displays an option to open the Visualization Manager, where you can view and manage visualizations.
Attachments Opens the Attachment Manager, where you can view and manage attachments.
Current Record Automation Processes

Displays Automation Processes for the current record.

For more information, see View Automation Processes for a Single Record.

Table Management

Opens the Table Management interface, where you can manage Lookup Table values.

For more information, see Table Management Interface.


Opens the Options window, where you can configure personal settings (example: general, display, task pane/search control, dashboard/HUD/calendar, user information, and email).

For more information, see Configure User Settings.

Network Health Check

Runs the Network Health Check, which tests to validate network speed and connectivity.

For more information, see Network Health Check.

Actions Menu

If configured, an additional Actions menu is available when a record is displayed in the Main Pane (example: The Incident Actions menu item displays when an Incident is active). The actions are defined as part of the Business Object definition in CSM Administrator.

Action Description
Quick Templates Displays a list of available quick templates (example: Reset Password).

Localization Menu

Action Description

Culture Quick Swap (CTRL+W)

Switch between the preferred culture and the last selected culture.

Preferred Culture (CTRL+D)

Switch to the preferred culture.

Previous Culture (CTRL+L)

Switch to the last culture you selected.

Help Menu

Action Description
Contents Opens the online help.
Reload Definitions Reloads all definitions.
Current Field Information Displays properties for the active field (example: Name, type, description, search properties, required or not, validation, and field ID).
Report Error Opens the Report Error window so you can report an error to Cherwell.
System Analyzer Opens the System Analyzer, where you can track behind-the-scenes operations in a live environment directly from the CSM Desktop Client.
About Displays information about CSM (version, copyright, licensing details, and contact information).