Create HR Security Groups

Use the Security Group Manager in CSM Administrator to create a Security Group. You will base it on an existing Security Group.

Note: This functionality is only available if you have applied the Cherwell HR Case Management mApp Solution.

To copy a Security Group, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Security Group Manager.
  2. Select IT Service Desk Level 2 & 3 in the Group drop-down.
  3. Click Select File and click Copy Security Group.
  4. Update the name for each new Security Group.
  5. Update the description for each new Security Group.
  6. Select the Roles tab.
  7. Add the Roles associated with each HR Group (listed below):
    • HR Case Agent: Group associated Role - (HR Case Agent)
    • HR Case Supervisor: Group associated Role - (HR Case Supervisor)
    • HR Management: Group associated Role - (HR Management)
  8. Click Save.