Create PPM Stakeholders

Stakeholders can affect or are affected by a new demand and are key success factors for the management of project portfolios.

Note:This functionality is only available after you apply the mApp Solution.

Stakeholders are populated from the Stakeholder table. Stakeholders for each Demand are based on the Demand's Area.

If a Demand's Estimated Cost is less than $1 million, the Demand's Area Stakeholders marked as Approvers are Approvers for the Demand. If the Demand Estimated Cost is greater than $1 million, Stakeholders (regardless of Area) marked as Executive Committee are Approvers.

To create a new Stakeholder:

  1. In the CSM Desktop Client or CSM Browser Client, select Tools > Table Management.
  2. Select PPM Stakeholder from the Type drop-down list and select the New button.
  3. Choose a Stakeholder from the drop-down list.
    The Email Field automatically populates.
  4. (Optional) Enter a Phone number and select a Department from the drop-down list.
  5. Select a Process, Area, and Role from the drop-down lists.
    The Role is based on a RACI matrix model.
  6. Select the Approver and/or Executive Approval Committee check boxes, if appropriate.
  7. Save and publish the Blueprint.