Add mApp Solution Elements to the Default Incident Form

Use the Form Editor (accessed from within a Blueprint in CSM Administrator) to add mApp Solution elements to the Default Incident Form.

Note: This functionality is only available if you have applied the Submit on Behalf Of mApp Solution.
  1. From the Current view drop-down list, select Default.
  2. In the Business Object tree, select Incident.
  3. Under Appearance, select the Edit form link.
There are two options for adding elements of this mApp Solution to the Incident Form:
  • Replace the existing Default Incident Form with the pre-configured Form from the mApp Solution.

    This option is ideal for Customers that have not customized their Default Incident Form and who are using the CSM 9.6.0 OOTB Form redesign.

  • Add elements to the existing Default Incident Form manually.

    This option is ideal for Customers that have customized their Default Incident Form or are using the CSM 9.5.0 OOTB or earlier Form design.

Replace Existing Incident Form with Pre-Configured Form

To replace the existing Default Incident Form with the pre-configured Form from the mApp Solution:

  1. From the Form drop-down list, select Default Form.
  2. From the menu bar, select Form > Form properties. Rename the Form to something that will label it as the old Form (example: Old Default Form).
  3. Select OK.
  4. From the Form drop-down list, select On-Behalf-Of-Header.
  5. Select Yes when prompted to apply Incident Form changes back to the Blueprint.
  6. From the menu bar, select Form > Make this the default standard form.
  7. Select Yes.

Add Submit On Behalf Of Selector to Default Incident Form

To add the Submit On Behalf Of Selector to the Default Incident Form:

  1. From the Form drop-down list, select Submit On Behalf Of Selector.
  2. Select and copy the Requester button (under the text below the Request Button heading).
  3. From the Form drop-down list, select Incident Overview.
  4. Select Yes when prompted to apply Incident Form changes back to the Blueprint.
  5. Paste the button on the Form.
  6. Drag the button to the right of the Customer field for each Adaptive Layout. You can also set the coordinates to position the button. With the button still selected, right-click and select Position. The recommended coordinates are as follows:
    Adaptive Layout Left Top
    Base Layout - 1340 440 139
    Tablet Form - 104 365 36
    Mobile Default Form - 414 365 36
  7. Select OK.
  8. Repeat steps 2-7 for each Adaptive Layout.
  9. Select the button and right-click Localization Options > Copy between cultures.
  10. Select the Copy values to the following cultures option and select all cultures that apply.
  11. Select Apply.
  12. Repeat steps 8-11 for each Adaptive Layout.
    Note: If you prefer using a text link instead of the Requester button, you can copy and paste the Add Requester link from the Submit On Behalf Of Selector Form (under the text below the Requester Text Link heading). The recommended coordinates are as follows:
    Adaptive Layout Left Top
    Base Layout - 1340 1058 424
    Tablet Form - 104 47 1219
    Mobile Default Form - 414 43 2250

Manually Add Elements to Existing Incident Form

To manually add elements to the existing Default Incident Form from the mApp Solution:

  1. From the Form drop-down list, select Submit On Behalf Of Selector.
  2. Copy any appropriate Fields, buttons, and text links from the Form.
  3. From the Form drop-down list, select Incident Overview (or the Default Form that you are using).
  4. Paste the Fields, buttons, and text links on the Form.

    Modify the settings (location, font, color, size, and borders) to ensure the newly added elements match your existing layout and styles.

  5. Select each element and right-click Localization Options > Copy between cultures.
  6. Select the Copy values to the following cultures option and select all cultures that apply.
  7. Select Apply.
  8. Repeat steps 5-7 for each Adaptive Layout.
    Note: The items on the left side on the Submit On Behalf Of Selector Form are intended to be used on the Default Incident Form (or the technician-facing Forms). Items on the right side are intended for the Default Portal version of the Incident Form and should only be used in the Customer Portal.
  9. Save the Blueprint.
Remember: If you make changes to the Forms (add or move elements), be sure to apply the changes to the languages you will be using.