Configure the Machine Learning Service Classification Prediction

The Machine Learning mApp® Solution contains a machine learning model, supplemental Incident form, expressions, scheduled item, and associated One-Step™ Actions.

To configure the Machine Learning mApp Solution:

  1. Determine who in your organization will act as machine learning subject matter experts (SMEs) for reviewing the service classification predictions. This could be higher-level service technicians or managers.
  2. Place the Verify Incident Confidence, Reclassify Incident for Confidence, and Re-Predict Classification links on your Incident Overview form. These fields are available in the Machine Learning Supplemental form included with the mApp Solution file.
  3. Set view and execute permissions for the Verify Incident Confidence and Reclassify Incident for Confidence links on the Incident form.
  4. Set view permissions for the Machine Learning dashboard.
  5. Publish the .mApp Blueprint.

Create a Scheduled Item to run the machine learning model.

  1. Set up the Scheduled Item. For detailed instructions on Scheduled Items, see Create a Scheduled Item.
    1. Provide general and schedule information for the Scheduled Item.
    2. On the Action page, select Train Machine Learning from the Action menu.
    3. Select the ellipsis button by the Machine Learning Training Configuration field to open the Machine Learning Manager.
    4. In the Association field, select Incident.
    5. Double-click the Incident Subcategory machine learning model.
    6. For the Training Query, select Total Incidents and Requests with High Confidence (Global > Machine Learning).
      Note: Before you run the first training scenario, review outstanding tickets to classify them as high confidence or add a condition to the search to include any items you want in the training group.
    The configuration details autopopulate.
  2. Allow the included Scheduled Item to run.
    Note: Let the Scheduled Item run as scheduled; running it by using the Test button in the Scheduled Item Manager won't work.