Define Record Locking Settings for a Business Object

You can override Global Record Locking settings for any Major Object using the Record Locking page in a Major Business Object's Business Object Properties window if record locking is enabled for your system.

Note: The Business Object Properties window is available in the Business Object Editor (accessed from within the Object Manager in a Blueprint).

Each Business Object can have one and only one record locking configuration; you cannot configure different record locking configurations per View (ex: One for default View and one for Portal View). We recommend configuring record locking on the default Business Object View.

To configure Record Locking settings for a Business Object:

  1. Open the Business Object Properties window for a Major Business Object:
    1. In the CSM Administrator main window, click the Blueprints category, and then click the Create a New Blueprint task.

      Note: If working on a saved Blueprint, open the existing Blueprint.

      The Blueprint Editor opens, showing the Object Manager in its Main Pane. The Object Manager lists the existing Business Objects.

    2. In the Object Manager, click a Major Business Object in the Object tree, and then click the Edit Business Object task in the Structure area.
    3. Click the Bus Ob Properties button.
  2. Click the Record Locking page.
  3. Select the Override the Global Locking Defaults check box.
  4. Define record locking settings for the selected Major Business Objects:
    1. Lock Type: Select one lock type from the following:
      • None: Select this radio button to not enforce or inform record locking even though it is enabled for the system.
      • Enforced: Select this radio button to prevent Users from editing a record when it is locked by another User (the lock holder).
      • Informational: Select this radio button to warn Users when a record is currently locked by another User so that Users do not attempt to edit the same record. If two Users do edit the same record, CSM gives Users the option to merge the edits.
    2. Lock Record Upon Editing: Select this check box to automatically lock the record when a User attempts to edit the record. If not selected, Users must manually lock records.
    3. Unlock Record Upon Saving: Select this check box to automatically unlock the record when a User saves the record. If not selected, the record remains locked until the User ends his session (if configured), until the lock expires (if configured), or until the record is manually unlocked.
    4. Lock Expires After: Select this check box to enable lock expiration. Then, specify the time limit in minutes (ex: 30). If not selected, the record remains locked until the User ends his session (if configured), until the record is saved (if configured), or until the record is manually unlocked.
    5. Minutes Before Lock Expiration to Notify Users: If locks expire after a certain amount of time, select this check box to notify Users of impending expiration and allow renewal. Then, specify the number of minutes before expiration to notify Users (ex: 3 minutes). This only works in the CSM Desktop Client.
    6. Maximum Number of Records a User Can Have Locked at One Time (Per Business Object Type): Specify the maximum number of records a User can have locked at one time, per Business Object (ex: Each User can lock only 10 Incidents at a time).
  5. (Optional) Restore Global Lock Settings: Click this button to revert to the default Global Record Locking settings.
  6. Select OK.

  7. Publish the Blueprint (File>Publish Blueprint) to commit the changes, or save the Blueprint (File>Save Blueprint) to continue making other changes.
    Note: Before publishing a Blueprint that contains Business Objects, ensure that each Business Object has at least one Form and one Grid defined and that all of the appropriate Fields have been created.