Run the Server Installation

Launch the installation on the server in the location to install the Server application files.

Remember: Run the installation as a system administrator so that all installation steps can execute successfully.
  1. Right-click the CSM Installation.exe file and select Run as Administrator.
  2. Select Server.
  3. Review the introductory text, and then select Next.
  4. Select the I accept the terms in the license agreement radio button, and then select Next.
  5. Provide the customer information, and then select Next.
  6. Use the default location/folder in which to install the Server installation files or select Change to browse to another location. We recommend accepting the default installation folder. See Folder Selection Options. Select Next.
  7. Select the database components to install, and then select Next. See Database Selection Options.
  8. Select which CSM services to enable by default. You can disable or configure services later using the Server Manager. See Server Selection Options. Select Next.
  9. Provide the Cherwell Server account credentials that will be used to launch the CSM services, then select Next. See Server Logon Information.
  10. Select Install.
  11. The next page depends on selections made on the Database Selection page:
    • Load the Demo or Starter database: The Connection Wizard opens to help configure the Server connection (the connection between the CSM Application Server and the CSM database).
    • Update an existing database: A prompt appears to select an existing CSM database to update. Select a database, log in, and then approve the update. Select OK when the wizard shows that the update is complete.
    • Not update any data: Installation is complete. A database update is typically necessary, so there might be a prompt to update the database upon first run of the applications.
    • If prompted, select an installation environment:
      • Development: The database file is being used to configure functionality.
      • Production: The database file meets all requirements, has been tested, and is ready for business use.
      • Test: The database file is being used for testing purposes.
        Note: The environment type provides visibility into the environment you are working with while managing your system. Once this value is selected, it displays in the client login windows, window titles for the CSM Desktop Client and CSM Administrator (when configured), the Health Check Results window, and the Company Information drop-down in the CSM Browser Client and Customer Portal. You can leverage these values in your configurations using their associated System Functions.
  12. Select Finish.
  13. Provide the base URL of the Cherwell REST API in the format https://host.domain/CherwellAPI/api/, and select OK.
    Note: If you skip this step, you can still install CSM, but an error that says that the application is not configured to communicate with the Cherwell REST API server will display when you attempt to log in.