Windows Credentials
If enabled, CSM can use Windows/LDAP credentials to authenticate users and customers.
To use Windows credentials:
- Windows or Active Directory must be enabled for each Client in CSM Administrator. Navigate to , select Desktop Client, Browser Client, or Browser Portal, and finally select Windows or LDAP as the login mode. See Configure Login Authentication for Each Client.
- The Windows login ID must be provided for each user's CSM. See Create a User Profile or Create a Customer Record.
If users or customers are not currently logged in to their standard Windows system (example: they are logging in from a mobile device or from outside the network), or their system is configured to use an alternate LDAP provider that does not provide direct Windows validation, they can still use their Windows/LDAP Credentials for single sign-on.
Users and customers provide their Windows (or LDAP) credentials in the User Name field and their Windows (or LDAP) credentials in the Password field. When the Login button is selected, CSM confirms that the specified credentials are valid, and if so, logs the user or customer in.
The user/customer must specify a fully qualified ID in the format domain\user-id.