General Field Attributes

Field attributes provide additional capabilities. Attributes are set on the Advanced page of the Field Properties dialog.

General attributes are additional pieces of information (or meta-data) that can be associated with a Field. Some attributes are automatically set, but others must be provided manually. For example, a Knowledge Category general attribute indicates that a Field contains a category that should be submitted for Knowledge review.

For more information about attributes, please contact Support.

Attribute Description Notes
BarcodeScan Used to store barcodes from in a field for a Business Object that has barcode scanning enabled. See Configure the Browser Client to Scan Barcodes.
ChatChannelIdentifier Used to determine which text field in a Business Object is used to name channels in third-party chat integrations. See Configure Slack Channel Naming Conventions.
ChatConversation Used by third-party chat integrations to store conversations. See Configure Slack Chat History Archiving.
ChatConversationWithTime Used by third-party chat integrations to store JSON from the third-party tool. See Configure Slack Chat History Archiving.
HistoryDetails Used by third-party chat integrations to store date/time information with conversations. See Configure Slack Chat History Archiving.
Knowledge Used to associate a field with the Knowledge attribute and to associate different fields in the Business Object with different pieces of Knowledge data. For example, to retrieve the Title of a Knowledge article into the Title field of the Knowledge Business Object, add the attribute to the Knoweldge Article.Title field. See Configure a Business Object for Knowledge Import.
LocAltitude Stores the location's altitude. See Set the Location of a Business Object.
LocLatitude Stores the location's latitude. See Set the Location of a Business Object.
LocLongitude Stores the location's longitude. See Set the Location of a Business Object.
TreatAsCacheableForPrompt Displays the list of cached values for the Business Object field. See Define List Display Options (Text Prompts Only)