Portal Theme Properties

In a Theme, you can define Portal Theme properties, such as Portal, header, footer and Grid properties.

Portal Properties

None of the Portal properties are available to preview. You cannot customize the Form Arrangement tabs.

  • App Bar: Select the app bar background color, hover color, image, font, and font color.
  • Content: Select the content background color, background image, description font, description font color, header font, and header font color.
  • List: Select the list background color, border color, border style, border thickness, font, font color, hover font color, hover background color, subtext font, and subtext color.
  • Menu:
    • Menu link: Select the color, link font, link hover background color, link hover color.
    • Menu list: Select the item background hover color, item link color, item link hover color.
    • Portal Menu bar: Select the background color, background image, background image alignment, background image repeat, and list background color.
  • Miscellaneous: Select the Portal icon set type.
  • Toolbar: Select the Portal border color, border style, border thickness, background color, font, and font color.

Header Properties

The Miscellaneous and Text groups are not expanded and not available to preview.

  • Background: Select the banner background colors, image, image alignment, image repeat, and background style.
  • Baseline: Select the banner baseline font, font color, and text alignment.
  • Miscellaneous: Select the banner image (a single image that can be aligned with the banner, not the background image) and image alignment.
  • Subtitle: Select the banner subtitle font and subtitle font color.
  • Text: For the banner link, select the active color, color, font, hover color, and visited color.
  • Title: Select the banner title font, font color, and text alignment.

Grid Properties

None of the Grids properties are available to preview.

  • Alternating row properties: Select the grid alternating row background color, row font, row font color, and table rows.
  • Background: Select the grid background color.
  • Border: Select the grid border color, style, and thickness.
  • Header: Select the grid header background color, image, image alignment, image repeat, border color, border style, font, and font color.
  • Miscellaneous: Select the grid select row background color.
  • Row properties: Select the grid row background color, hover color, font, and font color.