Administrative Command-Line Options

Use the Administrative command-line to launch CSM Administrator and automatically execute instructions or commands. Administrative command-line options can launch programs more quickly, use less system resources, and perform tasks more efficiently.

To use the Administrative command-line options, execute CSM Administrator with arguments. The administrative application to run is called Trebuchet.Admin.exe, which is found in the Cherwell Service Management installation directory.

General Settings

Option Description
/? Provides help text for the supported command-line options.
/c This is the connection to use. To use a connection that is available to all users of the machine, add the prefix [Common]. To use a connection that is associated with the current user, add the prefix [User]. When using the interactive dialog, [Common] connections are on the All Users tab, while [User] connections are on the tab named for the current user.
/u This is the user ID to use. This only works when CSM authentication is enabled and is not supported with other authentication types (Windows or LDAP).
/p This is the password to use. This only works when CSM authentication is enabled and is not supported with other authentication types (Windows or LDAP).
Note: Putting a password into a shortcut is a potential security issue, since other users can edit the properties of the shortcut and read the password.
/l or /r This is the culture override. Example language culture pairs are: de-DE (German), fr-FR (French), and pt-BR (Portuguese). Use /l to set the culture for content strings; use /r to set the culture for platform strings. For more information, see String Types.

The format for connection is:

Trebuchet.Admin.exe /c "[Common]connection name"

The format for User ID and password is:

Trebuchet.Admin.exe /u User ID/p password

The format for culture is:

Trebuchet.Admin.exe /l language-culture pair /r language-culture pair

System Backup

Option Description
/b [path and file] This is the path and file name that the back up should go to. If the extension is a .car, then the backup is an uncompressed archive. If the extension is a .czar, or not included, the backup is compressed in a .czar file format.
/r [rollover option] These are the rollover options. To have the file name automatically have date/time information be appended, use this optional argument. If used with /b, it causes the date/time information to be appended to the file name. The options are:
  • Unmodified: No value is appended.
  • Current: The current date and time is appended.
  • Nightly: The current date is appended.
  • Weekly: The day of the week is appended.
  • Monthly: The day of the month is appended.
  • Yearly: The month and day of the month is appended.
/c This is the connection to use. To use a connection that is available to all users of the machine, add the prefix [Common]. To use a connection that is associated with the current user, add the prefix [User]. When using the interactive dialog, [Common] connections are on the All Users tab, while [User] connections are on the tab named for the current user.
/u This is the User ID to use. This only works when CSM authentication is enabled and is not supported with other authentication types (Windows or LDAP).
/p This is the password to use. This only works when CSM authentication is enabled and is not supported with other authentication types (Windows or LDAP).
Note: Putting a password into a shortcut is a potential security issue, since other users can edit the properties of the shortcut and read the password.

You can use administrative command-line options to do backups outside of the CSM Scheduler. For example, you want to use different scheduler or would like the backup to be done on a system that is not running the CSM Scheduler. This is common when installed in a SaaS environment.

The format for backing up CSM is:

Trebuchet.Admin.exe /c "C:\..." /u User ID/p password /b [path and file] /r ["rollover option"]

The connection, user ID, and password work the same as for any other application.

Logging Authentication Information

Option Description
/la logfile This specifies the path and file name where authentication information should be logged. This must also be enabled in Security Settings.

System Maintenance

Option Description
/db This is a comma-delimited list of which database maintenance operations to run. The options are:
  • RebuildSystemTableIndexes: Rebuilds indexes of all system database tables.
  • RebuildFullTextCatalog: Rebuilds the Full-Text Search catalog.
  • RebuildAllBusObIndexes: Rebuilds indexes of all business object tables.
  • RefreshQueueStatus: Updates the queue status data.
  • ShrinkDatabaseLog: Reduces the size of the database log.
  • RemoveUnusedAuthRecords: Removes obsolete authorization data.

The format for system maintenance is:

Trebuchet.Admin.exe /c "[Common]connection name" /u User ID/p password /db delimited-list-of-options

As an example, to rebuild the full text catalog and refresh queue status, execute the following command (all on one line):

Trebuchet.Admin.exe /c "[Common]Cherwell Browser" /u Henri /p password /db RebuildFullTextCatalog,RefreshQueueStatus