Configure Email Credentials

Set up email credentials using the E-mail Credentials Manager in CSM Administrator.

Note: You can only configure email credentials if you have the Can administer e-mail credentials security permission.

CSM uses server-side authentication to manage email primarily through the Automation Process service and the Email and Event Monitor. Office 365 and G Suite do not offer account restrictions for this flow, but CSM keeps credential-based email accounts secure through encrypted access tokens stored on CSM servers. In addition, email credentials can only be created and modified in CSM Administrator by a user with the Can administer e-mail credentials security right. For Office 365, you must grant the Azure App full access to Exchange Web Services (EWS). See Daemon app that calls web APIs - app registration. For G Suite, you must enable domain-wide delegation. See Control G Suite API access with domain-wide delegation.

We also recommend these CSM settings to secure credential-based email accounts:

To set up email credentials:

  1. Open the E-mail Credentials Manager.
  2. Select the New button, or edit an existing set of credentials.
  3. In the General page, provide a Name and Description.
  4. Choose a Credential Type.
    • Office 365
    • Google Authentication
    Depending on the credential type you choose, a corresponding page appears in the page section.
  5. Select the page for your chosen credential type.
  6. To convert existing password-based email accounts to use credentials:
    1. Edit the email account you want to update.
    2. Select the Use Credentials-Based Authentication check box.
    3. In the Account Information section, select the appropriate credentials in the Credentials menu.