Security Features Security Rights

Security Features rights are selected from the Category drop-down on the Rights tab (CSM Administrator>Security>Edit Security Groups).

Right Description (when selected Check Box) Grant To:
Advanced system settings? Edit: Allows selected Users to edit advanced system settings.
  • System administrators
Audit log?

Allows people working with the audit log in CSM Administrator to:

  • View: Access the audit log.
  • Edit: Edit audit log settings.
  • Delete: Delete entries from the audit log.
  • System administrators
Credential Management?

Allows people working with credentials in CSM Administrator to:

  • View: Access credentials.
  • Add: Create credentials.
  • Edit: Edit existing credentials.
  • Delete: Delete credentials.

View/Run Only:

  • Users
  • Managers

All rights:

  • System administrators
In a Portal, can request a license to edit records owned by other Users? Allow: Allows selected Users to request a license to edit records owned by other Users.
  • Managers
License products? Allow: Allows selected Users to provide Cherwell licenses into the system.
  • System administrators
Lock system so Users cannot log in? Allow: Allows selected Users to lock the CSM system so that Users cannot log in (ex: During scheduled maintenance).
  • System administrators
Publish log?

Allows people working with Blueprint publish logs to:

  • View: Access logs in order to publish.
  • Delete: Deletes previous publish logs.
  • System administrators
REST API client management?

Allows users working with Rest API client keys to:

  • View: Access client keys.
  • Add: Create client keys.
  • Edit: Modify client key settings.
  • Delete: Delete client keys.
  • System administrators
Role management?

Allows people working with Roles to:

  • View: Access Roles.
  • Add: Add Roles.
  • Edit: Edit existing Roles.
  • Delete: Delete Roles.
  • System administrators
Run the Administrator tool? Allow: Allows selected Users to run the CSM Administrator.
  • System administrators
SAML Cherwell Service Provider settings? Edit: Allows selected Users to edit the service provider settings to configure CSM as a SAML Service Provider.
  • System administrators
SAML Identity Provider settings? Edit: Allows Users to edit the identity provider settings to configure the SAML Identity Provider.
  • System administrators
Security group management?

Allows people working with Security Groups in CSM Administrator to:

  • View: Access Security Groups.
  • Add: Add Security Groups.
  • Edit: Edit existing Security Groups.
  • Delete: Delete Security Groups.
  • System administrators
Security settings?

Allows people working with Security settings in CSM Administrator to:

  • View: Access the Security settings.
  • Edit: Edit the Security settings.
  • System administrators
System settings? Edit: Allows selected Users to edit default system settings in CSM Administrator.
  • System administrators
Team management?

Allows people working with Teams in CSM Administrator to:

  • View: Access Teams.
  • Add: Add Teams.
  • Edit: Edit existing Teams.
  • Delete: Delete Teams.
  • System administrators
Twitter Account Management?

Allows people working with their Twitter account in CSM Administrator and the Desktop Client to:

  • View: Access affiliated Twitter accounts.
  • Add: Add Twitter accounts.
  • Edit: Edit existing Twitter accounts.
  • Delete: Delete Twitter accounts.

View/Add/Edit Only:

  • Advanced Users (Level 2 and 3 technicians)
  • Managers

All rights:

  • System administrators
Unlock a system that has been locked? Allow: Allows selected Users to unlock a system that has been locked.
  • System administrators
View logged-in Users? View: Allows selected Users to view logged-in Users.
  • System administrators
  • Managers