Service Host Command-Line Options

Use the Command-Line Configure (CLC) /servicehost major command to access all sub-commands for the Cherwell Service Host and its microservices: Automation Processes, E-mail and Event Monitor, Mail Delivery, Scheduling, and System Event Processing. Use sub-commands to configure, start, stop, and uninstall the Service Host.

Note: In the following examples, square brackets (example: [Common]) denote placeholder variables for customer data. Replace these variables, including the brackets, with your own values.



                                /servicehost -servicehostapleaderpause=false -connection="[Common]Cherwell" -connectionuserid=CSDAdmin -connectionpassword=CSDAdmin
Sub-command Description


If true, Service Host will log to the log server (Splunk).

Accepted values: {true | false}


The minimum log level at which logs will be sent to the log server (Splunk).

Accepted values: {fatal | error | warning | info | stats | debug}


If true, Service Host will log to the event log.

Accepted values: {true | false}


The minimum log level at which logs will be sent to the event log.

Accepted values: {fatal | error | warning | info | stats | debug}


If true, Service Host will log to the file system log.

Accepted values: {true | false}


The minimum log level at which logs will be sent to the file system log.

Accepted values: {fatal | error | warning | info | stats | debug}


The path to the file system logs.

Accepted values: string


Maximum log file size in MB.

Accepted values: integer


Maximum number of log files before files roll over.

Accepted values: integer


Service Host User ID setting.

Accepted values: string


Service Host password setting.

Accepted values: string


Service Host connection setting.

Accepted values: string


If true, Service Host will use a Windows login.

Accepted values: {true | false}


If true, Service Host will use the default role of the User.

Accepted values: {true | false}


The number used to determine the maximum number of workers. For example, if you specify four and the machine has 4 virtual processors, then you will have a maximum of 16 workers.

Accepted values: {true | false}

Default: 21


If true, the Automation Process Service Leader is enabled.

Accepted values: {true | false}

Default: True


The maximum number of workers for the Automation Process Service.

Accepted values: integer

Default: 5


The AAutomation Process Service heartbeat interval in seconds.

Accepted values: integer

Default: 30


The amount of wait time in seconds for the Automation Process Service Leader to check the system for work.

Accepted values: integer

Default: 15


The number of blocks of work for an Automation Process Service leader to process per interval.

Accepted values: integer

Default: 100


The number of items for the Automation Process Service to pull per block.

Accepted values: integer

Default: 100


If true, Automation Process Service is paused.

Accepted values: {true | false}

Default: false


If true, the Mail Delivery Service Leader is enabled.

Accepted values: {true | false}

Default: True


The maximum number of workers for the Mail Delivery Service.

Accepted values: integer

Default: 5


The Mail Delivery Service heartbeat interval in seconds.

Accepted values: integer

Default: 30


The amount of wait time in seconds for the Mail Delivery Service Leader to check the system for work.

Accepted values: integer

Default: 15


If true, the Mail Delivery Service is paused.

Accepted values: {true | false}

Default: False


If true, the Email and Event Monitor Service Leader is enabled.

Accepted values: {true | false}

Default: True


The maximum number of workers for the Email and Event Monitor Service.

Accepted values: integer

Default: 5


The Email and Event Monitor Service heartbeat interval in seconds.

Accepted values: integer

Default: 30


The amount of wait time in seconds for the Email and Event Monitor Service Leader to check the system for work.

Accepted values: integer

Default: 15


The number of items for theEmail and Event Monitor Service to process per pull.

Accepted values: integer

Default: 100


If true, the Email and Event Monitor Service is paused.

Accepted values: {true | false}

Default: False


If true, the Scheduling Service Leader is enabled.

Accepted values: {true | false}

Default: True


The group that this Scheduling Service will work on exclusively.

Accepted values: string


The maximum number of workers for Scheduling Service.

Accepted values: integer

Default: 5


The Scheduling Service heartbeat interval in seconds.

Accepted values: integer

Default: 30


The amount of wait time in seconds for the Scheduling Service Leader to check the system for work.

Accepted values: integer

Default: 15


If true, the Scheduling Service is paused.

Accepted values: {true | false}

Default: True


If true, the System Event Processing Service Leader is enabled.

Accepted values: {true | false}

Default: True


The maximum number of workers for System Event Processing Service.

Accepted values: integer

Default: 5


The System Event Processing Service heartbeat interval in seconds.

Accepted values: integer

Default: 30


The amount of wait time in seconds for the System Event Processing Service Leader to check the system for work.

Accepted values: integer

Default: 15


If true, the System Event Processing Service is paused.

Accepted values: {true | false}

Default: True


Use the /servicehostinstall sub-command to install the Cherwell Service Host Windows service.

/servicehost /servicehostinstall /servicehostinstallaccount=LocalService
/servicehost /servicehostinstall /servicehostinstalluserid=Bob /servicehostinstallpassword=1234 /servicehostinstallaccount=NetworkService
Option Description


User ID the service will log on as. Optional as long as /servicehostinstallaccount has a valid value.

Accepted values: string


Password that the service will log on with. Optional as long as /servicehostinstallaccount has a valid value.

Accepted values: string


Account the service will log on as.

Optional as long as /servicehostinstalluserid and /servicehostinstallpassword have valid values.

If no /servicehostinstallaccount or /servicehostinstalluserid or /servicehostinstallpassword values are provided, then LocalService is used.

Accepted values: [LocalService | LocalSystem | NetworkService]

Default: LocalSystem


Set the service to auto start during installation.

Accepted values: {true | false}

Default: False


Use the /servicehoststart sub-command to start the Cherwell Service Host Windows service. There are no options for this sub-command.


                                /servicehost /servicehoststart


Use the /servicehoststop sub-command to stop the Cherwell Service Host Windows service. There are no options for this sub-command.


                                /servicehost /servicehoststop


Use the /servicehostuninstall sub-command to uninstall the Cherwell Service Host Windows service. There are no options for this sub-command.


                                /servicehost /servicehostuninstall