Configure Custom Global Toolbars

Create and configure custom Desktop Client toolbars to provide quick access to CSM operations for all Users or Users assigned to particular Roles.

Note: Custom Global toolbars are not available in the Browser Client.

To configure a custom Global toolbar:

  1. In the CSM Administrator main window, select the Settings category, and then select the Edit Custom Toolbars task.
    The Configure Toolbars window opens. Default is a Global default and applies for all Users/Roles unless overridden. The small green check mark indicates that a custom toolbar has been defined for a particular Role. If no defaults are defined for a Role, members of that Role see the custom toolbar for the Global default, if defined.
  2. Select Default (Global) or a Role, and then select the Edit button.
    The toolbar for <Global/Role> opens.
  3. Select the Add button.
  4. Define general properties and Actions for the toolbar:
    1. Name: Provide a name for the toolbar. This is the name that shows in the toolbar context menu (in the Desktop Client, right-click toolbar to show a context menu of available toolbars to display).
    2. Show by Default: Shows the custom toolbar in the Desktop Client by default. Otherwise, Users have to manually show it (right-click toolbar>select a toolbar to display).
    3. Add Action: Select this button and select the type of Action to add to the custom toolbar
      A CSM Item Manager opens (varies by type of Action selected in the previous step), and then select/create the CSM Item to initiate through the Action.
    4. Select a CSM Item (example: A specific Dashboard).
    5. Define properties for the Action:
      • Action: Shows the name of the Action as it is recognized by CSM (example: Name of the Dashboard or Report).
      • Display text: Provide the text to show on the toolbar button if Show text on button (below) is selected.
      • Image button:

        Select the Image to open the Image Manager, and then select an existing image or import a new image to represent the item in the UI.

      • Help text: Provide a tooltip to show when the cursor is on the menu item.
      • Begin group: Shows a horizontal line before the menu item, separating it from other menu items.
      • Show text on button: Shows the Display Text on the toolbar button.
    6. Add additional Actions to the toolbar.
  5. (Optional) Create additional custom toolbars.