Configure Global Search Settings

Global Search Settings are the foundational default search settings when the User and/or Saved Search has not modified these preferences. Global Search Settings are configured in CSM Administrator > System Settings > Search.

To configure search functionality and default options across various search types:

Text Search (only applies to Query Builder)

Select the default setting for how Query Builder searches fields:

  • All Search Words Should Exist in the Same Field: Returns records only when both words are found in a single Field (example: CSMand Software are found in the same Field).
  • Search Words Can Be Found in Different Fields: Returns records if both words are found in different Fields in the same Business Object (example: CSM is found in one Field and Software is found in another Field).
  • Search For Different Forms of the Word: Returns records that have plural and past tense forms of the word and different verb tenses. For example, if the search is for find, the records found will be those with find, finds, found, etc.
Quick Search should default to using (only applies toQuick Search) Select the default setting for how Quick Search searches fields:
  • All Words: Search uses all words (AND is used to separate words in search). With the Relevancy ranking, "noise" words ARE included in the search (Example: "the" and "will"). An All Word search is better at finding records where the user is looking for records containing all of the words in the search string.
  • Any Words: Search uses any of the words (OR is used to separate words in search). With the Relevancy ranking, this option ranks records higher that have more of the search words. An Any Word search is better at ranking records by those containing the most instances of any words in the search string.

Knowledge Search should default to using (only applies to Knowledge Search) Select the default setting for how Knowledge Search searches fields:
  • All Words: Search uses all words (AND is used to separate words in search). With the Relevancy ranking, "noise" words ARE included in the search (Example: "the" and "will"). An All Word search is better at finding records where the user is looking for records containing all of the words in the search string.
  • Any Words: Search uses any of the words (OR is used to separate words in search). With the Relevancy ranking, this option ranks records higher that have more of the search words. An Any Word search is better at ranking records by those containing the most instances of any words in the search string.