CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


About CSM Administrator

Use CSM Administrator features to configure and manage your CSM system.

Administrative features include:

  • Automation Processes: Pause/resume the Automation Process Service, enable/disable Automation Processes, manage automation rules, and define Business Hours.
  • Blueprints: Configure and manage system definitions (example: Business Objects, Fields, Forms, Grids, etc.) and CSM Items (example: Dashboards, Saved Searches, etc.), and to access definition-driven tools/functionality (example: Directory Service settings, Schemas, etc.).
  • Browser and Mobile Settings: Edit Browser and Mobile options (HTML Page Manager, Twitter Account Manager, etc.).
  • Database: Import and export data, and perform system maintenance.
  • E-mail and Event Monitoring: Pause/resume the E-mail and Event Monitor Service, configure Outlook® Integration, and configure/manage e-mail accounts and settings.
  • Globalization: Translate text, referred to as "strings," into one or more single-byte languages so Users can use a single CSM installation to view the same data in multiple languages.
  • mApp Solutions: Transfer bundles of CSM functionality between CSM systems.
  • Performance: Run the Health Check tool to monitor and optimize system configurations that impact performance.
  • Scheduling: Pause/resume the Scheduler Service and manage scheduled items.
  • Web Applications: Build/manage Customer Portals, manage Browser Client settings, and manage browser tools.
  • Security: Use Security Groups, Roles, Teams/Workgroups, and User/Customer profiles to control people, functionality, data, environment, and sharing.
  • Settings: Configure Global System settings, such as General settings (example: Search, display, etc.), User Interface settings (example: Task Pane, toolbar, etc.), Table Management settings, etc.
  • Trusted Agents: Connect to the Trusted Agents Hub and create Trusted Agents service groups.

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