CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Portal Sites

A Portal site is a collection of self-service information in a CSM Portal that is dedicated to a topic or function.

A Portal can display one or more sites. For example, it might display:

  • A company support site (single site Portal).
  • A site for each department (HR, Facilities, Support).
  • A site for each locale (US, Germany, Chile), although a single site can be configured to be available in multiple languages.

A Portal site is highly configurable and can be tailored to meet branding and layout needs. The site can display an application bar (Login, Site Selector), an informative banner/footer, a menu bar, a search control, and a startup item (example: A dashboard).

Portal site showing banner, application bar, menu bar, and main pane

  1. Banner: Displays site and background image, title, subtitle, and baseline text.
  2. Application Bar: Displays the Language Selector, Site Selector, Login menu, and Help menu.
  3. Menu Bar: Lists the site Items and/or supporting Actions. Select a site item to display its contents in the main pane or its list of supporting Actions. The Portal menu bar collapses into a hamburger menu on mobile screens and browser windows sized below 768 pixels.
  4. Main Pane: Displays the Startup Item, which could be a dashboard, a report, a list of records, or the record currently being edited.

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