CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Company Form

The Managed Service Provider mApp® Solution introduces a Company Business Object that is used to manage records for Individual Companies, Parent Companies, and Child Companies.

Use the Company form to record and manage information about a company. The following sections make up the Company form:
  1. Default form: Displays important at-a-glance information, such as Company name, Company status, primary contact, support team, and account manager.
  2. Pages tabs: Dynamically displays a tabbed collection of related forms and records.
  3. Form area: Displays the main form fields.
  4. Actions list: Dynamically displays a list of actions that are available for the Company.

The following table describes the fields and other elements that make up the Company form:
Field Description
Default Form Displays important at-a-glance information, such as Company name, Company status, primary contact, support team, and account manager.
Company Name Populated from the Company Name field on the Overview form.
Company Status Statuses include:
  • New
  • Active
  • At risk
  • Inactive
Primary Contact Populated from the Primary Contact Name field and Primary Contact Email field
Support Populated from the Default Support Team drop-down list
Account Manager The internal Customer responsible for managing the Company's account within MSP. Populated from the Account Manager related item picker.
Pages Tabs Dynamically displays a tabbed collection of related forms and records.
Overview Form entry view to enter company basics and use Action Menu.
Journals Journal details and tracking.
Tasks Company-specific tasks.
Related CIs Any configuration items that are assigned to this company.
Site Locations specified to this company.
MSP Services The Service Catalog areas that the MSP has contracted with this company to support.
MSP Support The technicians (users) that are assigned to support this company from the Service Desk
Assigned SLAs The SLAs associated with this company that the MSP has agreed to.
Form Area Displays the main form fields.
Company Name Name of the Company.
Company ID ID of the Company. Used in filtering several areas, such as MSP Services.
Primary Contact Name Name of the primary contact at the Company. The related item picker will use the Customer - External record to complete the information fields for the primary contact.
Primary Contact Phone Populated from the related item picker for the Company's Primary Contact.
Primary Contact Email Populated from the related item picker for the Company's Primary Contact.
Default SLA Subscription Drop-down list is populated from the options available on the Assigned SLAs tab.
Company Phone Company phone number.
Company Website Company website.
Company Site Company's location based on the Site Business Object related item picker. Address, City, State/Provence, and Postal Code are populated from the Site record.
Default Support Team This team acts as the 'triage' for all incoming tickets from this Company. Tickets are auto-routed to this team from the CSM Portal submissions.
Account Manager The Customer-Internal person who is responsible for managing this Company's account with the MSP organization (example, who handles their contract, customer success, and so on.)
Action List Dynamically displays a list of actions that are available for the Company.
Assign to Me Assigns the company Account Manager as the current User.
Create New Contact Creates a new Customer - External record.
Remove a Service Allows the user to individually remove assigned Service Catalog items.
Remove All Services Allows the user to remove all assigned Service Catalog items.
Convert to Parent Company Changes the current record to a Parent company and adds a new tab to the pages for Children Companies.
Link to Parent Company Changes the current record to a Child company and adds a new tab to the pages for Parent Company.
Flag as At Risk Changes the current company record to the Status of At Risk and allows for entry of an At Risk Reason.

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