CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Customer - External Form

The MSP mApp® Solution introduces the Customer - External form to store pertinent information about Customers at companies that are served by an MSP.

Use the Customer - External form to record information about an external customer. The Customer - External form includes the following areas:
  1. Default form: Displays important at-a-glance information, such as customer name, employee status, Company associated with the customer, and customer contact information.
  2. Pages tabs: Dynamically displays a tabbed collection of related forms and records.
  3. Form area: Displays the main form fields.
  4. Actions list: Dynamically displays a list of actions that are available for the external Customer.

The following table describes the fields and other elements that make up the Customer - External form:
Field Description
Default Form Displays important at-a-glance information, such as Customer name, Employee status, the Company associated with the customer, and customer contact information.
Employee Displays employee name.
Status Statuses include:
  • New
  • Active
  • Terminated
Company Company associated with the Customer – External record. Populated from the Company Name related item picker.
Contact Customer information. Populated from the Primary Phone and E-mail fields.
Pages Tabs Dynamically displays a tabbed collection of related forms and records.
Overview Contact input form.
Journals Records Journal information.
Incidents Any Incidents associated with the external customer.
Assets Any CIs that have the current external customer as the Primary User.
Company Summary form of the Company to which the external customer record is linked. This comes from the Company Name field on the Overview page.
Customer SLA The Summary form for the SLA that the Customer - External record. This comes from the SLA Subscription field on the Overview page.
Form AreaDisplays the main form fields.
First Name Customer's first name.
Middle Customer's middle initial.
Last Name Customer's last name.
Title Customer's title (example: Owner, Technician).
Approver Determines whether this person is allowed to approve service requests that need approval.
Company Manager Determines whether this person is allowed to see all tickets logged across the Company through the Company Management Dashboard in the Portal.
Primary Phone and Type Main phone for the customer and a drop-down menu to indicate what type of phone it is.
Secondary Phone and Type Alternate phone for the customer and a drop-down menu to indicate what type of phone it is.
E-mail Customer's email address.
Secondary E-mail Customer's alternate email address.
Company Name The Company record for the Company that employs this customer.
SLA Subscription Customer's SLA. This is initially populated based on the associated Company record's default SLA Subscription. This can be changed at the individual level.
Notes Text box for notes about the Customer.
Site Name Sites in this related item picker are restricted to those that are linked to the Company record.
Note:Address, City, State/Provence, and Postal Code fields are populated based on the Site and Building records.
Building Buildings are restricted based on the Site chosen.
Location ID Can be a specific workstation, office number, and so on.
Actions ListDynamically displays a list of actions that are available for the external Customer.
Create an Incident Creates an incident record with the current Customer - External record set as the Customer.

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