CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Create a New Project Task Plan from Microsoft Project in the CSM Browser Client

Use the Browser Client to import a new Project Task Plan. This creates new Project Tasks and populates certain fields based on the Microsoft Project Plan task information.

Note:This functionality is only available after you apply the mApp Solution.

Use the Import Project link in the CSM Browser Client.

To import a new Project Task plan from Microsoft Project:

  1. Save the Microsoft Project file in .xml format.
  2. Open CSM and access the Project you want to update.
  3. Open the .xml file in a text editor program (example: Notepad) and copy the data.
  4. In the Project Task Import tab, paste the data into the Full Text for Import Field.
  5. Select the Import Project link (under Actions).
    When the import is completed, the Project Task tab will show the newly created Project Tasks. The Import Project link is replaced with an Update Project link.

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