CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


CSM Clients and Applications

CSM provides a suite of applications to allow you to efficiently configure, manage, secure, integrate, automate, and run your CSM system from any location.

Applications include:

  • Windows Clients

    CSM Desktop Client and CSM Administrator. See CSM Desktop Client and CSM Administrator.

  • Web Applications

    CSM Browser Client, CSM Portal, Cherwell REST API, Auto-Deploy (web page), Web-Forms, and Service Monitor (web page). See CSM Web Applications.

  • Supporting applications

    Dashboard Viewer, Report Runner, Auto-Deploy, Cherwell Server Manager, Service Monitor, System Restore, System Upgrade, and Test Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). See CSM Supporting Applications

  • Services

    The Cherwell Application Server and the Cherwell Service Host, which serves as a container host for the following microservices: Automation Processes, Email and Event Monitor Service, Mail Delivery, Scheduling Service, and System Event Processing Service. See CSM Services.

The following figure shows how the applications interact at a high level.

Technical Architecture ofCSM

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