CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Define Business Object Settings

Business Objects must be defined for Business Object Records to be created or updated and associated with remote support session history.

Add Select to add the highlighted Action. See Chat Actions window options below.
Edit Select to edit the highlighted Action. See Chat Actions window options below.
Remove Select to remove the highlighted Action.
Up/Down Arrow buttons Select to change the order of the selected Actions.
Clear Default

Select or clear Business Object defaults to determine what type of Business Object CSM creates after the end of a remote support session that was not launched from CSM (example: sessions launched from the BeyondTrust Web Portal or BeyondTrust Representative Console).

  • If the currently selected Business Object type is not the default, select Make Default to make it the default.
  • If the currently selected Business Object type is already the default, select Clear Default to change it to no longer be the default.
Note: When a remote support session is not launched from CSM, CSM does not have any information about the type of Business Object to create after a session ends. By setting a Business Object as the default, CSM creates a new object of the specified type if no Business Object information is available when a remote support session has ended. If no default Business Object is selected and a remote support session is not initiated through CSM, the event is ignored and no action taken.

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