CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Overwrite External Mapping to CAM Machine Purchasing

Use this information to overwrite external mapping to the CAM Machine Purchasing Business Object.

  • Imported External Table: ESM_v_GetMachinePurchasingData
  • Field that holds unique ID: Unique ID
External Table Field Name Cherwell Field Name
AccessProfile Access Profile
AssignedMachineGroup Assigned Machine Group
AssignedUser Assigned User
BiosSerialNumber Bios Serial Number
ContractDescription Contract Description
ContractNumber Contract Number
HardwareType Hardware Type
Invoice Invoice
LineItemDescription Line Item Description
LineItemId Line Item ID
LineItemName Line Item Name
LineItemStatus Line Item Status
MachineDomain Machine Domain
MachineId Machine ID
MachineName Machine Name
MachineSerialNumber Machine Serial Number
ManufacturerName Manufacturer Name
Notes Notes
OrderDate Order Date
OrderDescription Order Description
OrderId Order ID
OrderNumber Order Number
PartNumber Part Number
PONumber PO Number
PurchaseSerialNumber Purchase Serial Number
UniqueId Unique ID
UnitPrice Unit Price
Vendor Vendor

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