CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


E-mail an Article

Referenced articles can be e-mailed to the Requestor on Incidents.

To e-mail an article:

  1. Open an Incident.
  2. Click the CKCS Search link.

    CKCS Search Link

  3. Provide a search term in the prompt or in the Search for field.
  4. Scroll down the Search results for CKCS Articles.

    CKCS Knowledge Pane

  5. Click a CKCS Article to open it in a new window.
  6. Click Use Solution.
  7. In the CKCS window, click Email CKCS Article to Customer.

    CKCS Artcle

    An e-mail window opens that includes the information from the CKCS Article.
    Note: Only the latest referenced CKCS Article can be e-mailed. Articles that are flagged as Internal Only cannot be e-mailed.
  8. Click Send.

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