CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Import Active Deployments as Configuration Items

Migrate your active application deployments from Cisco CloudCenter™ so that you can manage them as Configuration Items in CSM.

Apply the Cisco CloudCenter™ mApp® Solution using the Apply mApp Solution wizard and publish the resulting Blueprint, then complete the required configuration procedures in CSM Administrator.

  1. Open your CloudCenter Manager record.
  2. Click Import Deployments as CIs.
    CSM imports all active deployments from your instance of Cisco CloudCenter as Configuration Items.
    Remember: Only deployments in the active status are imported.
  3. The Configuration Item records for imported deployments appear in the Deployments tab.
    Imported records appear orange, indicating that they are not assigned to Customers.
  4. Select an orange Configuration Item record, then click the Quick View button .
    The Quick View dialog opens for the selected record.
  5. Under Primary User, click the Customer Selector button .
    The Contact Manager opens.
  6. Select the Customer to assign, then click OK.
  7. Add or edit information about the Configuration Item.
  8. Click Save.
    The Configuration Item record appears black in the Deployments tab, indicating that it is assigned to a Customer.

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