CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


Initial Planview Import

Use One-Step™ Actions to import all Projects and Tasks from Planview. This initial import will add Project and Task data from your Planview account to CSM, but will not affect the scheduled imports.

This functionality is only available after you apply the mApp Solution.

Remember: Only Tasks that meet the following criteria will be imported into CSM:
  • Tasks that have an owner assigned.
  • Task owner's with a User Info record in CSM.
  • Tasks that have time scheduled to resources in Planview.

For best results, import Projects before Tasks.

To use One-Step Actions to import all Projects and Tasks:

  1. From the CSM Desktop Client menu bar, select One-Step > One-Step Manager.
    1. In the Association drop-down list, select None, and then double-click the Planview folder.
    2. Select the Import Project One-Step Action, and then select Run.
    3. When the Prompt displays, select the earliest date for importing Projects from Planview.
      If you want to include all Projects in your Planview account, select a date prior to the create date on your Projects.
      The One-Step Action will run, and it may take a few minutes to complete.
  2. To view all Projects imported, from the menu bar, select Searching > Search Manager.
    1. In the Association drop-down list, select Planview Projects, and then double-click the Planview folder.
    2. Select the All Planview Projects saved search, and then select Run.
    A list of all imported Projects will display. If the list is empty, you many need to wait a few minutes and run the search again.
  3. Follow steps 1 - 1a.
    1. Select the Import Tasks One-Step Action, and then select Run.
    2. When the Prompt displays, select the earliest date for importing Tasks from Planview.
      If you want to include all Task in your Planview account, select a date prior to the create date on your Tasks.
      The One-Step Action will run, and it may take a few minutes to complete.
  4. To view all Tasks imported, from the menu bar, select Searching > Search Manager.
    1. In the Association drop-down list, select Work Item, and then double-click the Planview folder.
    2. Select the All Project Tasks saved search, and then select Run.
    A list of all imported Tasks will display. If the list is empty, you many need to wait a few minutes and run the search again.
Any changes you make to a Task will be exported via the API to Planview after saving.
  • If you assign the Task to a user who is not part of the Project team for the Task, the Task owner will not update in Planview.
  • Any special characters in the title or description will cause the sync to fail between Planview and CSM.

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