CSM 10.2.2 Documentation


IT Asset Management (ITAM) - Purchase Request through Receiving mApp Solution Items

The items tables provides a list of items included when applying the mApp Solution and the typical merge action.

Item Category Item Typical Merge Action
Automation Process Definitions Create Order, mApp Factory - Close PR create tasks, mApp Factory - Update Product List, Notify CAM Purchasing Manager When PO Created, Notify Requestor of PO Created, Send Delivery Notification to CAM, Set Status to Ordered Status Import
Business Objects Agreement, Building Status, Config - Computer, Config - Mobile Device, Config - Network Device, Config - Other CI, Config - Printer, Config - Server, Config - Software License, Config - System, Config - Telephony Equipment, Configuration Item, Site Status, Specifics, Specifics - Email, Specifics - Employee New, Specifics - Employee Separation, Specifics - Employee Update, Specifics - Generic, Specifics - ITAL, Specifics - New Device, Specifics - Printer Don't Change
Building, Purchase Request Status, Site, State Province Territory, Supplier Catalog Item Overwrite
Config - Computer, Config - Mobile Device, Config - Printer, Config - Software License, Configuration Item, Incident, Product Catalog, Supplier, Underpinning Contract Merge
IncidentLinksInventory, IncidentLinksProductCatalog, IncidentLinksSupplierCatalog

Item, Inventory, Part, Product Subcategory, Purchase Request, Purchase Request Line Item, Purchase Request Line Item Status, Purchase Request Priority, Purchase Request Reason, Specifics - ITAL

Counters Inventory, Purchase Request ID Import
Purchase Order #, Purchase Request, PurchaseRequestID, Site Overwrite
Custom View Portal Default, Portal Secondary Don't Change
Dashboard IT Purchasing Import
Item Category Item Typical Merge Action
Fields ABA Accessibility Flag, Alt, 1 Command, Alt 1 Command Name, Alt 1 Status, Alt 1 Status One Step, Alt 1 Status Text, Alt 2 Command, Alt 2 Command Name, Alt 2 Status, Alt 2 Status One Step, Alt 2 Status Text, ANSI Usable, Approval Block ID, Approved On Date Time, Area, Archive, Asset Type, Associated Models, Auto Reorder, Auto Reorder Part ID, Auto Reorder Submitted, Building Code, CAM Access Profile, Canceled, Category, ChildID, ChildJoinReason, ChildType, CI Asset Type ID, CI Software Rec ID, CI Type, Class, Closed, Commercial and Government Entity Code, Configuration Item Type, Construction Date, Container, Container Type, Contract ID, Contract Type, Country_de-DE, Country_en-US, Country_es-ES, Country_fr-FR, Country_pt-BR, Created By, Created By ID, Created Culture, Created Date Time, Date Required, Days ARO, Department, Description, Energy Star, Energy Star Justification, Environmentally Preferred, Environmentally Preferred Justification, Expedited Shipment Price, Extended Price, Hardware Model/Software Name, Hardware Model/Software Title, Hazardous Material, Historical Status, Impact, Incident ID, Incident Specifics RecID, In Stock CI Name, Is Complete, Inventory ID, Inventory Item Name, Inventory Type ID, Inventory TypeName, Invoice Number, Item Name, Item Status, JoinReason, Justification, Last Modified By, Last Modified By ID, Last Modified Date Time, LastModTimeStamp, Latitude, Line Item ID, Line Item Type, Location - Building, Location - Country, Location - Site, Location - State, Location - State/Province, Low Stock Level, Made in the USA, Made in the USA justification, Manufacturer, Manufacturer Number, Manufacturer Part Number, Matrix Order, Model, Name, Next Day Shipment Price, Next Status, Next Status Command, Next Status Command Name, Next Status One-Step, Next Status Text, Notes, Number On Hand, OEM CAGE Code, Order Date, Order ID, Order Number, Order Title, Ordered, Owned By, Owned By Email, Owned By ID, Owned By Phone, Owned By Team, Owned By Team ID, Owned/Leased, ParentID, Parent RecID, Parent Request, ParentType, Part ID, Pending, PO Created, PO URI, Preferred Supplier, Price, Priority, PR Line Item RecID, PR Line Item Type ID, PR RecID, Product Category, Product Catalog ImageLink Text, Product Container, Product Cost, Product Name, Product Service Code, Product Subcategory, Products Requested, Property Type, Purchase Date, Purchase Order Number, Purchase Price, Purchase Request ID, Purchase Request Line Item ID, Quantity, Quantity Available, Quantity Checked In, Quantity Per Unity Pack, Quantity Received, Quantity Requested, Quantity Reserved, Quantity to Reorder, Reason, Received, RecID, Reconciled Name, Reorder Status, Requested By, Requested By Email, Requested By ID, Requested By Phone, Request ID, Reviewed, Sale End Date, Sale Price, Sale Start Date, SCI ID, SCI Price, Selected Status, Service Cart Item RecID, Short Description, Site, SKU, Specifics FormRecID, Specific Type ID, Specific Type Name, Standard Shipment Price, Status, Status ID, Status Order, Subcategory, Supplier, Supplier Catalog Item ID, Supplier Catalog Item - Manufacturer, Supplier Catalog Item - Price, Supplier Catalog Item for Reorder, Supplier Catalog Item ID, Supplier for Reorder, Supplier ID, Supplier ID for Reorder, Supplier Name, Supplier Name for Reorder, Supplier Part Name, Supplier Part Number, Surplus Stock Level, Threshold for Reorder, Total Number of Items Received, Total Number of Items Requested, Total Price, Type, Underpinning Supplier ID, Total Parking Spaces, Underpinning Contract ID, Underpinning Supplier ID, Unit, Unit Cost, Unit of Issue, UPC, Urgency, URI, Vendor, Version Stamp Import
Address, Address 2, Building Address 1, Building Address 2, Building Name, Building Status ID, Carrier, City, Country, County, Created By, Created By ID, Created Culture, Created Date Time, Description, Full Address, Item Type, Last Modified By, Last Modified By ID, Last Modified Date Time, LastModTimeStamp, Lead Agreement ID, Lead Agreement Name, Lead Supplier, Lead Supplier ID, Location ID, Model, Name, Notes, Owned By, Owned By ID, Owned By Team, Owned By Team ID, Postal Code Zip, Rec ID, Region Code, Site, Site ID, Site Name, State, State Province Territory, Status, Status ID, Supplier Catalog Item ID, Zip Overwrite
_Link Type, Accessory 1, Accessory 2, Accessory 3, Accessory 4, Accessory Cost 1, Accessory Cost 2, Accessory Cost 3, Accessory Cost 4, Accessory_1, Accessory_2, Accessory_3, Accessory_4, Additional IP Address, Additional Details, Additional Needs Completed, Any loose cables?, Asset Status, Asset Tag, Asset Type, Assign CI's, Auto-Created Incident, Auto-Created Incident ID, Auto-Created Incident Related Event, Barcode, BIOS, BIOS Version, Building, Building Name, Carrier, Cellular Enabled, Check Print Queue, Check Work Environment, CI Type, Computer Accessory 1, Computer Accessory 2, Computer Accessory 3, Computer Accessory 4, Computer Accessory Cost 1, Computer Accessory Cost 2, Computer Accessory Cost 3, Computer Accessory Cost 4, Computer Accessory Subtotal, Computer Full Description, Computer Image Link Text, Computer Price, Computer Product, Computer Short Description, Computer Subtotal, Computer Type, Computer_Accessory 1, Computer_Accessory 2, Computer_Accessory 3, Computer_Accessory 4, Configure Office Space, Configure Software, Configuration Item Type ID, Configuration Item Type Name, Configured Office Space, Connected to Internet, Connection Type, Contract ID, CPU Speed, CPU Type, Create Key Card, Create Network Account, Create Phone Extension, Created By, Created By ID, Created Culture, Created Date Time, Created Network Account, Created Phone Extension, Critical, Current Alert, Current Alert Wait Time In Minutes, Departure Date, Departure Time, Description, Downtime Period Start Date Time, Device Type, Employee Department, Employee Name, Employee Type, Equipment Type, Escalate, Facility, Free or Open Source, Free Ports, Friendly Name, Grant Building Access, Granted Building Access, Host Name, IMEI, Install Desktop Phone, Installed Software, Invoice Attached, Invoice ID, IP Address, IP Address 6, IP Address v6, IP Range End, IP Range Start, Is it Online?, Is the power on?, Is the toner low?, Is there a paper jam?, Is there paper loaded?, Laptop Needed, Last Down Time, Last Modification Time Stamp, Last Modified By, Last Modified By ID, Last Modified Date Time, Last Modified Date Stamp, LastModTimeStamp, Latitude, Location ID, Lock Account, Longitude, MAC Address, Maintenance Amount, Maintenance Calendar, Maintenance Frequency, Managers Notified, Manufacturer, Mobile Accessory 1, Mobile Accessory 2, Mobile Accessory Cost 1, Mobile Accessory Cost 2, Mobile Accessory Subtotal, Mobile Device Type, Mobile Full Description, Mobile Image Link Text, Mobile Price, Mobile Product, Mobile Short Description, Mobile Subtotal, Mobile_Accessory 1, Mobile_Accessory 2, Model, Model Number, Network Access Needed, Network Security Groups, Non-Standard Product, Notes, Number CPUs, Operating System, Operating System Family, Operating System Service Pack, Operating System Version, Order Cell Phone, Ordered Accessory 1, Ordered Accessory 2, Ordered Accessory 3, Ordered Accessory 4, Ordered Computer, Ordered Computer Accessory 1, Ordered Computer Accessory 2, Ordered Computer Accessory 3, Ordered Computer Accessory 4, Ordered Device, Ordered Mobile Accessory 1, Ordered Mobile Accessory 2, Ordered Mobile Device, Ordered Software, Owned By, Owned By ID, Owned By Team, Owned By Team ID, Parent Rec ID, Personally Owned, Phone, Phone Number, Physical Memory, PR Line Item RecID, PR Line Item Type ID, PR RecID, Primary Use, Primary User Full Name, Primary User Name, Primary User Rec ID, Primary User VIP, Printer Error Cause, Printer Error Code, Printer Type, Purchase Date, Purchase Price, Purchase Type, Ready for Approval, RecID, Reconfigure Workstation, Rekey Office Door, Remove from LDAP, Return Cell Phone, Return Laptop, Return Mobile Device, Return PDA, Room, Search Knowledge Base, Selected Status, Serial Number, Service Cart Item RecID, Set up Screen Reader, Set up Work Environment, SIM Card, Site, Site ID, Site Name, SLA ID, SLA Name, Software Image Link Text, Software Price, Software Product, Software Short Description, Software Subtotal, Software Type, SoftwareID, Specific Type ID, Specific Type Name, Specifics - Email ID, Specifics - New Computer ID, Start Date, Start Date for Update, Status, Status ID, Supplier, Terms, Test Email, Total Downtime This Period, Total Page County, Total Ports, Type of Connection, User Name, Vendor, Verify Connection using TCP/IP, Video Card, VIP, Virtual Memory, Wheelchair Access, Workstation Re-configured Don't Change
Item Category Item Typical Merge Action
Form Arrangements CatalogItem, FacilitiesBuilding, Incident, Site, UnderpinningContract, Vendor Overwrite
IncidentLinksProductCatalog, Part, PurchaseRequest, PurchaseRequestLineItem, SpecificsITAL Import
Forms IncidentLinksInventory, IncidentLinksProductCatalog, IncidentLinksSupplierCatalog

Item, Part, ProductSubcategory, PurchaseOrderLineItem, PurchaseRequest, PurchaseRequestLineItemStatus, PurchaseRequestPriority, PurchaseRequestReason, PurchaseRequest - SupplierCatalogItem, Purchasing - ProductCatalog, Purchasing - UnderpinningContract, SpecificsITAL

Purchase Request Status, Site, StateProvince Overwrite
Incident Don't Change
Grid Change Persistence _5JyZpXRggCw Import
Grids IncidentLinksInventory, IncidentLinksProductCatalog, IncidentLinksSupplierCatalog

Item, Inventory, Inventory 1 Dashboard, Part, ProductSubcategory, PurchaseOrderLineItem, PurchaseRequest, PurchaseRequestLineItemStatus, PurchaseRequestPriority, PurchaseRequestReason, SpecificsITAL

FacilitiesBuilding, Site, PurchaseRequestStatus, StateProvince, SupplierCatalogItem Overwrite
Image Definition ITAM-Add-Icon, ITAM-Add-Icon1, ITAM-Dashboard-Icon, ITAM-Dashboard-Icon1, ITAM-Inventory-Icon, ITAM-Reorder Import
Item Category Item Typical Merge Action
Indexes Agreement_Name, Config - Software License Actions, ConfigSoftwareLicenses_

SoftwareID, ConfigurationItem_AssetTag, ConfigurationItem_FriendlyName, Incident_CustomerID, Incident_IncidentType, Incident_OwnedByID, Incident_RecID, IncidentCreatedDT, IncidentID, IncidentIdx_ServiceCartRecID, IncidentIdx_ServiceCatalogTemplateRecID, IncidentService,IncidentStatus, InstalledSoftware_Product, Latitude, Longitude, PK_Agreement, PK_ConfigurationItem, PK_ProductCatalog, PK_PurchaseRequestStatus, PK_Site, PK_StateProvince, PK_SupplierCatalogItem, PurchaseRequestStatus_Status, Site_SiteID, Supplier_SupplierID, SupplierCatalogItem_CatalogItemID, SupplierCatalogItem_Name, SupplierIDx0, SupplierIdx1


SoftwareID, ConfigurationItem_AssetTag, ConfigurationItem_FriendlyName, InstalledSoftware_Product, Latitude, Longitude, PK_ConfigurationItem, PK_Specifics, PrinterSpecifics_Model, Specifics_ParentId, Specifics_SpecificTypeName, SpecificsEMail_SpecificsEMailID, SpecificsNewComputer_SpecificsNewComputerID

Don't Change
Inventory_InventoryID, PK_IncidentLinksInventory, PK_IncidentLinksProductCatalog, PK_IncidentLinksSupplierCatalog

Item, PK_Inventory, PK_ProductSubcategory, PurchaseOrderLineItem, PK_PurchaseRequest, PK_PurchaseRequestLineItemStatus, PK_PurchaseRequestPriority, PK_PurchaseRequestReason, PurchaseRequest_PurchaseRequestID, PK_Specifics, PrinterSpecifics_Model, Specifics_ParentId, Specifics_SpecificTypeName, SpecificsEMail_SpecificsEMailID, SpecificsNewComputer_SpecificsNewComputerID

Item Category Item Typical Merge Action
Language Pack Bundle DE_2019-09-04, EN-DE_ITAM, EN-ES_ITAM, EN-FR_ITAM, EN-PT_ITAM, ES_2019-09-04, FR_2019-09-04, PT_2019-09-04 Import
Mergeable Areas Config - Software License Actions, Incident Actions, IncidentLinksProductCatalog Actions, Purchase Request Actions, Purchase Request Approvals, Purchase RequestLine Item Actions Overwrite
One-Step™ Actions Add Line Item, Add Line Item to CAM Purchase Order, Adjust Inventory, Alt 1 Step from Relationship, Alt 2 Step from Relationship, Approved, Assign to ANY Individual, Assign to Individual, Assign to Team, Auto Reorder, CAM PO Update Failure, Check Availability, Check for Existing Parts, Check In, Choose a Part, Choose an SCI, Create CI, Create Inventory, Create PO, Create PR, Create Purchase Order in CAM, Create Signature, Create Tasks in Incident, DEBUG: Notification Scheduled Job Ran, Get Hardware Types, GMT DateTime, Increment Version Stamp, Increment VersionStamp, Launch New Inventory Item, Launch New Purchase Request, Modifier Create Signature, New Inventory Item, New Purchase Request, Next Step from Relationship, Notify CAM Purchasing Manager of New PO, Notify CAM Purchasing Manager of Order Received, Notify Requestor of New PO, OLD-Scheduled Update PR Status, Open Purchase Order in CAM, Portal Select Product and Quantity, Refresh Item List, Remove an Item, Return to Inventory, Select a Team, Select Product and Quantity, Set Complete for Canceled, Set Owned By, Set Status, Set Status to PO Created, Set to Approved Status, Set to Canceled Status, Set to Closed Status, Set to Ordered Status, Set to Pending Status, Set to Received Status, Set to Reviewing Status, Show Date Time, Show Detailed Date Time, Take Ownership, TEST Dynamic URL in Web Service, TEST Get API Version, TEST XML Parse, TEST-Get Line Item, TEST-Get Line Item Detail, TEST-Get Order, TEST-Get Users, TEST-Signed Get Order, TEST-Signed Get Users, Update CAM Server, Update Individual PR Status, Update Licenses, Update PR Line Item Status, Update Products, Update Status, URI String Test Import
Add to Cart, Assign to a Team, Assign to Individual, Assign to Team, Create a Catalog Item, New Submit or Add to Cart, Take Ownership Overwrite
Item Category Item Typical Merge Action
Relationships Auto Reorder Links Purchase Requests, Configuration Item Links Purchase Request Line Item, Existing Part Links Purchase Request Line Item, Incident Links Inventory, Incident Links Product Catalog, Incident Links Purchase Request, Incident Links Supplier Catalog Item, Incident Owns Inventory Join Table, Incident Owns Supplier Catalog Item Join Table, Incident Owns Product Catalog Join Table, Inventory Links Incident, Inventory Links Owned By, Inventory Links Supplier Catalog Item, Inventory Owns Incident Join Table, Part Owns, Product Catalog Join Links CMDB, Product Catalog Join Links, Part, Product Catalog, Join Links Specifics, Product Catalog Join Table Owned by Incident, Product Catalog Link Software, Purchase Request Line Item links CI Type, Purchase Request Line Item links CIs, Purchase Request Line Item Links Existing Part, Purchase Request Line Item Owned By Part, Purchase Request Line Item Owned By Purchase, Purchase Request Line Items, Purchase Request Links Auto Reorder, Purchase Request Links CI, Purchase Request Links Customer Internal, Purchase Request Links Incident, Purchase Request Links OwnedBy, Purchase Request Links, Phase Set, Purchase Request Links, to Status, Purchase Request Links UserInfo, Purchase Request Owns Approvals, Purchase Request Owns Journals, Purchase Request Owns Line Items, Specifics is related to an Incident, Supplier Catalog Item Links Supplier, Supplier Catalog Item Links Underpinning Contract, Supplier Links Supplier Catalog Items, Supplier Links Underpinning Contracts, Underpinning Contract Links Supplier, Underpinning Contract Links Supplier Catalog Items Import
[Foreign Key] Configuration Item Links CI Status, CI has auto-created Incident, CI Links Customers, CI links Downstream CIs, CI links Logical Services, CI links Problems, CI Links Site, CI links Upstream CIs, Configuration Item Group Links Change Request, Configuration Item Group Links Configuration Item Group, Configuration Item Group Links Customers, Configuration Item Group Links Incidents, Configuration Item Group Links Journals, Configuration Item Group Links Status, Configuration Item Links Configuration Items, Configuration Items Links Purchase Request Line Item, Configuration Item Links SLA, Configuration Item Links Vendors, Configuration Item Owns CIEvents, Configuration Item Owns Journal - Notes, Configuration Item Owns Tiered Alerts Don't Change
Site Links Buildings, Site Links Status Overwrite
Item Category Item Typical Merge Action
Searches All Line Items, All Parts, All Purchase Requests, Auto Reorder PRs, Auto-Renew Items, Canceled Purchase Requests, Completed Purchase Request, Desktop, Inventory at Reorder Level, Laptops in Stock, Low Stock, Mobile Devices in Stock, Open PR in CAM, Open Purchase Requests, Printers in Stock, Purchase Requests Under Review, Surplus Stock Import
Stored Expressions API LineItem Asset Type, API LineItem Category, Approval Lock, CAM Not Editable, Check-in Fields Disabled, Configuration Item Type, Delivered or Canceled, Fields Disabled, Line Item Is Complete, Number of Complete Line Items, Number of Hardware CIs on Hand, Number of Items Received, Number of Line Items, Number of Line Items in Ordered Status, Number of Line Items Not Canceled, Number of Line Items Received, Number of Line Items Requested, Number of Software CIs for this Line Item, Owned By Member of Owned By Team, PurchaseRequestID, Stock Status, Total Cost Import
Stored Queries All Line Items, All Parts, All Purchase Requests, Auto Reorder PRs, Canceled Purchase Requests, Completed Purchase Requests, Desktop, Inventory at Reorder Level, Laptops in stock, Low Stock, Mobile Devices in Stock, Open PR in CAM, Open Purchase Requests, Printers in Stock, Purchase Requests Under Review, Surplus Stock Import
Stored Values CAM API Version, CAM Customer Number, CAM Date, CAM Default Access Profile, CAM mApp Version, CAM Purchasing E-Mail, CAM Server, Current Product Join RecID, Current Product Name, CurrentDateTime, Endpoint, Inventory Joint Table RecID, IsDebug, Item County Selected, Item Search RecID, New CAM Server, Own CAM?, Product RecID, PS Options, Secret Key, Signature, Signature Success, Specifics CI Type, Supplier RecID, Test Blank Import
Country, Site, State Overwrite
Tabs Journals, Overview, Supplier Don't Change
Comments, Items for Purchase, Items Requested, Overview, Purchase Request, Requested Products, Reserved Inventory, Supplier, Supplier Catalog Items, Underpinning Contract Catalog Items (0), Underpinning Contracts Import
Activity, Additional Information, Agreements (0), All Agreements, Approvals (0), Building, Comments, Configuration Items, Customer History (0), FacilitiesBuilding, Journals, Lead Agreement, Lead Supplier, Linked Incidents (0), Linked to Major Incident, Overview, Related Device, Related CIs (0), Related Problem, Resolution Details, 's Open Incidents (0), Scorecards (0), Service Complaints (0), Service Impact Events (0), Similar Incidents (0), Site, Supplier Catalog Items (0), Supplier Risk Assessments (0), Tasks (0), Work Units (0) Overwrite
Web Services CAM API, Secure CAM API Import
Widgets Desktop Stock by Model, Inventory at Reorder Level, Laptop Stock by Model, Low Stock by Item List, Mobile Devices Stock by Model, Printer Stock by Model, Purchase Request Filter, Purchase Requests by Status, Purchase Requests from Auto-Reorder, Purchase Requests Pending Approval, Surplus Stock by Item List Import
  • Import: Add new item.
  • Overwrite: Replace target item.
  • Merge: Merge differences.
  • Don't Change: Referenced by the mApp Solution, but not altered in any way. The mApp Solution includes the definition for informational purposes only (the definition is not imported into the target system).

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